
freedom of speech? hell no.

category: general [glöplog]
why dont you create anarchy on mac.scene.org or scene.se if you cant stand the new hood? :)

added on the 2009-02-22 02:58:13 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
the "trolling" probably does a lot more for pouet than you give it credit for. it's probably the main reason many people simply just say whatever's on their mind and post about anything remotely related. and its that "dont give a shit" attitude when posting content that keeps activity alive and probably leads to the more interesting stuff. :)
added on the 2009-02-22 02:58:57 by button button
And finally : it's ironic how some people with freedom of speech complain about having free speech.
the "trolling" probably does a lot more for pouet than you give it credit for. it's probably the main reason many people simply just say whatever's on their mind and post about anything remotely related.

You're completely right there - monkey see, monkey do.

and its that "dont give a shit" attitude when posting content that keeps activity alive and probably leads to the more interesting stuff. :)

Is your argument that if the BBS contained mostly demoscene relevant threads, the activity would be so low that the BBS "dies"? If "activity" is defined as "posts and new threads in the BBS, no matter what they are about" then Pouet has the best "Off-topic" forum in the universe, but that sort of isn't _really_ what it ought to be about, no?

People will never agree anyway - some people come here to troll and be an idiot on the BBS, and others come here to view the prods and stay the hell away from the BBS. It's when the trolling and shit from the BBS makes it's way into the prods that things go tits up, which is what unic0rn ment to shed some light on by starting this thread I guess.
added on the 2009-02-22 09:37:25 by gloom gloom
heres an idea: maybe categories categories in the BBS would make everyone happy.
(or not)
for me it would have spoiled the fun if there had been some QA back in the days when i discovered the scene/pouet.
It's more fun if you have to dig a bit for the real good stuff.

(but it's not that hard anyways..)
newcomers can always search for big partys and then have a look at the 5 highest rated prods...
or they can ho for the scene dot org awards..
or have a look at the coup de coeurs ..

on a sidenote:
back in the days there was also lots of shit released...
added on the 2009-02-22 11:00:17 by v3nom v3nom
oh and i really enjoy this bbs for everything what it is, including random image thread, random random thread, the hidden cat thread, the diary of optimus, the sceners dreams, the evil scener twins, garfield thread, hot lobster sex etc..
added on the 2009-02-22 11:03:58 by v3nom v3nom
helloword: Agreed.

venomsoup: I enjoy the BBS as well, a lot, but some threads are just waste, and there should be a place for them so that they don't get equal focus as the non-waste ones, especially for new visitors. :)
added on the 2009-02-22 11:33:47 by gloom gloom
categories in the BBS would make everyone happy

except those who have to moderate it and subsequently be accused of nazi practices and whatnot. when it comes to the prod or user databases, gloperators can at least scapegoat gargaj for whatever shit gets thrown at them, and claim indifference or ignorance for themselves. only if this setup is to be copied 1:1 to the bbs, it might have the potential to make me happy, but i seriously doubt that will ever happen. so maybe it's a better idea to delete the bbs entirely, or at least remove it from the frontpage so the incentive to troll is vastly reduced.
added on the 2009-02-22 12:02:03 by havoc havoc
added on the 2009-02-22 12:02:30 by okkie okkie

anyway, i think we're having a misunderstanding here - i'm not trying to clean the BBS from offtopic stuff, but when the top 10 recent BBS topics are top 10 copycat random threads about nothing which never get more than 5 posts anyway then i certainly feel that somewhere something went wrong in the attitude.

it partly boils down to what a pouet user expects from pouet: if you expect it to be a demoscene prod collection with comments and charts and a discussion forum and maybe a few healthy spoonfuls of bullshit, then i'm sure you'll be treading on a lot less toes than when you expect it to be a generic imageboard with a mild demoscene bias and less users.

consequently, as someone who's currently in charge of trying to push this boat somewhere, i have to take into account which direction the users want to go to - and i would be very sad if i would need to forfeit some new feature ideas because the general public of the site cannot treat the initial fragility of it all with respect. i dont actually believe there would be such danger to that (hey, i still believe in pouet as a community, sue me), but many i discussed with noted that "it would just get filled with shit". (HAI /P/)

i still seriously think that BITS gets too much attention from people, and it's really just that bandwagon of thumbdowns itself that pisses off people, not the prod itself, i mean heh, you could probably let crappier prods slip just because noone would notice.

as it comes to the commercial factor, i will have a discussion with solo2 about it and see where it goes, but i'll adhere to no double standard - if BITS prods go, LiS will go as well.
added on the 2009-02-22 12:30:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
categories in the BBS would make everyone happy

BB Image
*looks at keops*
added on the 2009-02-22 12:32:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
categories in the BBS would make everyone happy

I image it to look something like this. ;)

/imageboard/ -> 500 posts a week
/optimus/ -> 50 posts a week
/actualontopicnobulloryougetbanned/ -> 4 posts a week

except those who have to moderate it and subsequently be accused of nazi practices and whatnot

That's why people invented user-based self-moderation. As in reddit/digg, or a bit more complex like slashdot.
added on the 2009-02-22 13:12:56 by tomaes tomaes
tomaes, you mean, there's a little nazi in all of us? :)
added on the 2009-02-22 13:33:03 by havoc havoc
havoc -- to keep up with old quotes.

pouet -- where's the beef?

please let this blow over already :)
added on the 2009-02-22 13:43:17 by superplek superplek
I'm just saying that some self-regulation would be in order, or at least an option to consider. Instead of one lone soul, we all could decide a little what we want the bbs to look like and what not.
added on the 2009-02-22 13:44:28 by tomaes tomaes
tomaes: I believe that's what we're doing - discussing possible ways to implement a good filtering solution, so that it's static (= BBS categories, defining which end up on the front page) instead of upkeep (= nagging Gargaj until he either buckles or kicks you out :)

Oh, and if you look at the past few months, you'll find that there is a lot of activity in the "serious" threads (coder-threads, Windows-threads, Scene.org Awards, DX vs OpenGL etc.). I also belive people use the BBS for different things at different times -- serious questions and discussion at times, laughing at funny pictures at others.
added on the 2009-02-22 13:47:20 by gloom gloom
as it comes to the commercial factor, i will have a discussion with solo2 about it and see where it goes, but i'll adhere to no double standard - if BITS prods go, LiS will go as well.

My problem with BITS isn't that it's shit, really, it's that it's spam in the form of "demo prods". Also, having such a black and white approach isn't the right way to deal with this. XL-R8R and 3DMark have clear demoscene connections, plus being solid pieces of work. BITS.. isn't. :)
added on the 2009-02-22 13:49:32 by gloom gloom
as gargaj said, if bits goes lis goes, there's nothing to argue about that.
added on the 2009-02-22 13:56:13 by zefyros zefyros
what gloom said. demoscene is full of double/triple/whatever standards, and you simply cannot judge LiS in the same way you would judge BITS prods, that's simply damn wrong.
added on the 2009-02-22 14:01:04 by unic0rn unic0rn
Yes, we should delete all shit and joke prods! They look damn unprofessional and give the wrong image of what the scene is about! The scene is clearly about overpaid console demonstrations!
added on the 2009-02-22 14:47:56 by okkie okkie
Hahaha, okkie for president!
added on the 2009-02-22 14:52:56 by zefyros zefyros
"overpaid"? :D
added on the 2009-02-22 14:56:49 by Gargaj Gargaj
having such a black and white approach isn't the right way to deal with this

as with programming, linguistics, jurisdiction and sports, the rule of the thumb applies: "more exceptions -> more problems."

if BITS goes, LIS goes. that's my final word.
added on the 2009-02-22 14:59:37 by Gargaj Gargaj
