
tips for '06 peoples choice scene.org award?

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2005-12-26 21:41:16 by xernobyl xernobyl
shizzle is arguably nice from a reverse-engineering point of view.
added on the 2005-12-27 01:57:29 by Shifter Shifter

my shortlist has **this** at the top...

but also Iconoclast, teh boogie factor, and Ballet Dancer in it..

I also really liked the message; probably a class down but would stil love to see a nomination somewhere
added on the 2005-12-27 10:22:22 by Gaia Gaia
galasword: `?? ??` for the neverending demo category?
added on the 2005-12-27 10:38:42 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
aka. the best executed concept i've ever seen in a demo (terrific direction too)
added on the 2005-12-27 14:09:50 by Gaia Gaia
take that yeti!!
added on the 2005-12-27 14:48:21 by okkie okkie
okkie: from now on i will only hang with sane dutch groups. now hand over that groupslist
added on the 2005-12-27 17:57:00 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
I'd rather see that pokemon-mini prod from breakpoint for it's massive hack value or maybe a c64 demo from assembly which looked really very fine (the one with a trailblazer... maybe it's boogie factor from fairlight?)
added on the 2005-12-27 22:37:07 by winden winden
added on the 2005-12-28 18:01:42 by bdk bdk
Fov 120
added on the 2005-12-28 18:25:17 by skarab skarab
heh.. have you guys figured out we're all talking about prods that will be released next year ? :) so actually it's hard to decide who will win ;)
added on the 2005-12-28 18:53:14 by leijaa leijaa
memories from the mpc from brain control
added on the 2005-12-28 22:56:41 by v3nom v3nom
added on the 2005-12-29 04:14:01 by xernobyl xernobyl
just so you know, now you can actually go vote :) voting ends at the end of february though, so you do have some time to think :)
added on the 2006-01-02 06:39:27 by leijaa leijaa
i don't suppose there's a way that they could make the drop-down-list database bigger?
Just in case any lamer quasi-sceners might cruise past and go looking for viewing tips...
(i'd update it myself with thoughts from this thread, if i could...)
added on the 2006-01-02 07:59:35 by Gaia Gaia
gaiaSword: The stuff that you vote for is added to the list. And because you can change your voting (as far as I understand), I think it is possible to add as much to the list as you want to. so, go ahead :-)
added on the 2006-01-02 09:14:03 by chock chock


Everything else:
added on the 2006-01-02 12:20:50 by quisten quisten
JARIG at 19th place
added on the 2006-01-02 14:36:22 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
added on the 2006-01-03 04:33:32 by Gaia Gaia
the voting dropdown list seams somewhat weird (same products twice). where should i report?
added on the 2006-01-04 14:45:33 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
the_Ye-Ti how about here http://awards.scene.org/contact.php
added on the 2006-01-04 14:54:25 by uncle-x uncle-x
i suspect the database doesnt match duplicate additions, but you can be sure that by the end of voting all the duplicates will be merged and it'll work out just fine.
added on the 2006-01-04 15:01:41 by smash smash
when will the nominees of 2005 be published? im quite curious ;)
added on the 2006-01-04 15:19:59 by el mal el mal
probably middle of february as usual...
added on the 2006-01-04 15:22:23 by Gargaj Gargaj
btw, voting is online! go and vote!
added on the 2006-01-06 14:30:43 by v3nom v3nom
