
So what's your favourite music video?

category: general [glöplog]
Anything from Michel Gondry.

Radiohead - Just is also brilliant.
added on the 2008-03-08 13:19:19 by melw melw
freaky Chinese schoolgirls, rebelling against communist indoctrination & dictatorship...

LFO - Freak

you'll never hold the people back!

added on the 2008-03-08 13:27:31 by button button
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added on the 2008-03-08 13:31:03 by texel texel
I'm sure there are lots of great ones I'm forgetting, but this one springs to mind:

Take on me.

One of the earliest .mods I had was this on this song too.
added on the 2008-03-08 13:34:47 by yesso yesso
there are so many...

but i think its
added on the 2008-03-08 13:40:15 by 4kum4 4kum4
dir en grey - obscure
nirvana-heartshaped box
some which i favorited.. i should favorite more often with youtube :D
added on the 2008-03-08 13:48:11 by el mal el mal
Ooh.. heart shaped box has reminded me how much i love that album.
added on the 2008-03-08 14:51:27 by xeron xeron
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added on the 2008-03-08 15:45:41 by syphus syphus
holy shit list of new awesome videos i haven't seen
justice: dnvo (kick ass)
huoratron - $$ trooper ... damn this video kicks ass
and that mstrkrft video was disgusting because you should not play with food :P and dir en grey music video was also good but i don't like j-rock coz i'm not wapanese!
added on the 2008-03-08 16:40:24 by uns3en_ uns3en_
how do you generate those thumbnails ????
I second melwyn.

Justice's DVNO is also fuckin' awesome.

And Muse's Knights of Cydonia is one of the coolest videos in recent years.
added on the 2008-03-08 16:52:35 by uncle-x uncle-x
Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of a Great Apocalypse is the best metal music video I've ever seen. Knights of Cydonia is also awesome :)

Cheesiest video I've seen for long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3uvf0cn0jo

My CDC's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPnGPIMUnus
there are two things that can't fail, cats and jazz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0h0pvjVSzo Jamie Lidell - You Got Me Up (from Multiply)
added on the 2008-03-08 19:20:58 by uns3en_ uns3en_
Oh and only retards put youtube url as the description for youtube url.
Go and fuck yourself.
added on the 2008-03-08 19:41:04 by syphus syphus
Actually, I didn't put a description for the url; the BBcode defaults to displaying the url when you don't add any description, you horse's bollock.
added on the 2008-03-08 19:44:00 by syphus syphus
Funny how other people manage to do it properly though isn't it, you absolute rubbish
It's part of the surprise, though! You never know what you're going to get!

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added on the 2008-03-08 19:48:10 by syphus syphus
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vVrK_9W9dA Otep - Buried alive! rocks! hottest chick in a music video ever.
added on the 2008-03-08 20:34:10 by Proteque Proteque

The Bestest MusicVid (from a Scener :o )
added on the 2008-03-08 20:43:06 by notorius notorius
@Texel: Sexy one! I have seen this video before somewhere..
This video clip also makes me horny.
added on the 2008-03-08 20:46:18 by Optimus Optimus
