girls girls girls
category: general [glöplog]
and then count out the ods from how many girls vs how many boys there was at BP03
fuck ur ass, s'plek!!!!
yeah yeah yeah, and yours too! join the man train, dude!
I once had a girlfriend in my dream. She was called Marina (Nothing to do with that French girl at Erasmus or this one here) and she had coded some Amiga500 intros. I almost remembered the name or parts of the name of one of her productions, must have written it around here in the oneliner months ago.
I also had a crazy girl friend, perhaps not girlfriend but a female friend of mine in my Dorf, but she had something bad. When she was getting nass (when she got water or something), she was transformed into a more wild girl which tried to kill me. Then I had to put here under the sun so that she return back to her normal. I had to take care of her because she didn't had friends because of that special power of her (This reminds me Rogue in X-Men, hehe :). I have seen this dream a lot of times. And you know what it's the funniest now I remember?! She was a dward girl, a really short one in both situations. As a wild girl, she was ein bischen taller and with funky hair like she was hit by electricity. And I think her hair were yellow. Was I dreaming of Gianna Sisters?!?! Could be,. I once had seen this game when I was a kid in a C64 at my classmates birthday party. Once and I outputted it on my dream!!!
How about the dream yesterday. I was in Patra. I met many sceners there. But not sceners I know in reality. The only one from here was Mot and I only met him for a very few time. The others were supposed to be people I haven't met before in real life but I knew them from the internet. One had a friend who was a husband of a cousine of me. Also strange. Then, a very sweet girl talked to me. She seemed to be really interested in me. We started a nice chat about, don't remember, I only remember that she asked me if she is looking beautifull! Strange things. And then,. ugh,. then,... a scener broke the best time of my dream. He interfered in our discussion and took me away from her because he wanted that we talk about democoding.. :P
Dreams are kinda weird or funny. As life is. More tomorrow..
I also had a crazy girl friend, perhaps not girlfriend but a female friend of mine in my Dorf, but she had something bad. When she was getting nass (when she got water or something), she was transformed into a more wild girl which tried to kill me. Then I had to put here under the sun so that she return back to her normal. I had to take care of her because she didn't had friends because of that special power of her (This reminds me Rogue in X-Men, hehe :). I have seen this dream a lot of times. And you know what it's the funniest now I remember?! She was a dward girl, a really short one in both situations. As a wild girl, she was ein bischen taller and with funky hair like she was hit by electricity. And I think her hair were yellow. Was I dreaming of Gianna Sisters?!?! Could be,. I once had seen this game when I was a kid in a C64 at my classmates birthday party. Once and I outputted it on my dream!!!
How about the dream yesterday. I was in Patra. I met many sceners there. But not sceners I know in reality. The only one from here was Mot and I only met him for a very few time. The others were supposed to be people I haven't met before in real life but I knew them from the internet. One had a friend who was a husband of a cousine of me. Also strange. Then, a very sweet girl talked to me. She seemed to be really interested in me. We started a nice chat about, don't remember, I only remember that she asked me if she is looking beautifull! Strange things. And then,. ugh,. then,... a scener broke the best time of my dream. He interfered in our discussion and took me away from her because he wanted that we talk about democoding.. :P
Dreams are kinda weird or funny. As life is. More tomorrow..
uh... okay, Optimus...
other peoples dreams are like other peoples holidayphotos.. boring as shit to others.
optimus... and what did your shrink say about it, eh?
it seems to be a good idea to organize a twin-party for all the girls banned from breakpoint :)
Somehow the humor in this is so subversive... Very few women code or draw or whatnot now... So if you ban them lots of women will accuse you of discrimination and force you to let them code and draw. Everyone wins (who plays the system)
I would like to attend to the twin party rather than the regular one :P I like to touch, not just watch.
dominel: the same rule holds for the twinparty as for bp: girls get in free, boys pay in cash (we will buy alchohol from the entry fees, for example :)
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2005 feature: don't watch demos, touch 'em!
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2005 feature: don't watch demos, touch 'em!
I can see it now: Farbrausch pioneers tactile demos with fr-043: Troncandy
I vote for girls at BP04.
Come to daddy!
Come to daddy!

... this whole thing will be useless to answer to but...
okkie: I don't owe you money! :)
okkie: I don't owe you money! :)
leia: yes you do.. for the dope i sold you at tum03
okkie: I wasn't that drunk, and besides, I can always get dope for free :)
at least the first time
at least the first time
leia: then i think i was mistaken... SO I DON'T SEE A POINT IN YOU COMING TO BREAKPOINT!
okkie: good, then I won't :)
Girls are overrated but a funny discussion anyways? Anyone continuing???
Okkie: you should give up the freebies. People assume it's free all the time.
hmm.. from now on i will sell my dope for insane prices.
Not without my prior consent Okkie, don't you forget "who's who" within our local hierarchy damnit.
righty plek, you can still use the 'friendly prices'
bring on the Do... and biggie will show up with tha HOEs...
bring on the dough and biggie will probably show up with a face full of zits and a c64.. fucking loser!