
It is set! Evoke 2011, 12.-14.08.2011, Köln-Kalk!

category: parties [glöplog]
At least I'm very sure there won't be a hugi launch party (wat?).
Since 2003 we are offering a great discount for those who love demopartying. This year something is different though: Buenzli is now labeled "the Demodays" and takes place in Olten/Switzerland.

We will still provide a nice discount for those who visit both Evoke and demodays this year. Just buy the combined ticket at Evoke for both parties and get a 5 Euro discount (the price for demodays in Euro has not been disclosed yet).
added on the 2011-07-26 18:09:05 by steam steam
Ah, here is the Evoke thread! Y'all better make sure the bar is open the entire night this time, ya hear! Going out at 23:30 to get a case of beer at the night shop was tedious last year!

Else, I'm not complaining!
added on the 2011-07-26 18:11:46 by okkie okkie
only 86 registered visitors so far?!
added on the 2011-07-26 18:20:39 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Jan Stanne op je vestibule!
added on the 2011-07-26 18:24:59 by okkie okkie
I tried registering twice and it failed.
it's probably because I don't have twitterbook+ accounts
added on the 2011-07-26 18:43:11 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
Yeah, it failed me too, you need to add an e-mail address or smth
added on the 2011-07-26 18:43:51 by okkie okkie
Also, mad looking forward to this, even though they don't have the coolest cat in the scene as a host this year! *yip yip*
added on the 2011-07-26 18:44:20 by okkie okkie
i didn't try registering but it failed anyway!

also, i second the request to open the bar all night, if you force a drunk okkie to carry his own beer we'll probably all end up driving around köln-kalk to look for his arm the next day! :/
added on the 2011-07-26 19:34:27 by havoc havoc
yes, plus i dont wanna bump into prostitutes AGAIN
added on the 2011-07-26 21:14:52 by el mal el mal
added on the 2011-07-26 21:31:07 by ferris ferris
less than a week left! \o/
added on the 2011-08-06 12:01:51 by dipswitch dipswitch
maali: finally figured they overcharged you?
added on the 2011-08-06 19:03:35 by superplek superplek
@styx^hcr: Did you enter an e-mail in the form?
added on the 2011-08-06 19:26:20 by gaspode gaspode
Nimmt mich jemand von Hannover mit? :D
added on the 2011-08-06 22:07:36 by Exin Exin
plek: they wouldn't even service him (which might have had smth to do with the fact that he informed half of köln-kalk's population by voice that he was aware of their profession)
added on the 2011-08-07 13:57:57 by havoc havoc
uh that was you, i thought they were changing a car tire ;p
added on the 2011-08-07 18:58:37 by el mal el mal
Changing a tire? right.. :D Aaaaaanyway, i'm there for sure! :) And 24/7 open bar sounds pretty good! ;)
added on the 2011-08-08 20:44:33 by izard izard
Yeah, Maali assumes cars are A-OK without a floorpan, so his judgment of which part of their vehicle those two women were attempting to fix is highly questionable to say the least :)
added on the 2011-08-08 21:48:18 by havoc havoc
having a car without one is just excellent in case it breaks down. you can continue driving applying the Flintstones approach
added on the 2011-08-08 22:37:35 by el mal el mal
Speaking of cars ... I'd really love to join you for what would be my first Evoke. Only problem is, I can't get any other danes to join me, and the travel-expenses (even when driving there) is a little too steap when there's nobody to split it with. So therefore: Everyone with a spare seat in your car looking for someone to split the expenses with, please drop a note and the location you're travelling from. I guess the more north of Germany, the better. I'll find out if it's possible for me to catch a plane, train or perhaps drive some of the way to team up with someone.
added on the 2011-08-08 23:17:05 by Punqtured Punqtured
Can't you guys move evoke to some town closer to Strasbourg this year? Or like, do it next year? I won't be able to come this year again. 250€ just for the train (250€ for 800km is fucking insane, we pay 100€ for 1000km by train in France, and I used to think it was expensive) is something I can't afford in my current professional temporary situation. Well, you guys will have to enjoy evoke for me, pretty please.
added on the 2011-08-09 13:17:50 by iks iks
is anyone brining a c-64 to evoke ? we might have something for the compo if someone has a c-64 over there.
added on the 2011-08-09 14:45:47 by pantaloon pantaloon
Sorry Sofa-Sceners! On very short notive we have to tell you that there is the possibility that we will not be able to provide you guys at home and shadow-parties with a videostream. We will try to set up something ourselves but don't rely on that working all the time, or even at all. We will be covered by a radio-feed by ours truely scenesat-radio guys.

Even more reasons to come to Evoke! (sorry, this is not a matter of bandwith or anything...)
added on the 2011-08-09 14:55:39 by steam steam
Panta: Metalvotze will most likely be present, and they always bring C64s.

Punq: 1699 DKK fly København-Køln-København
added on the 2011-08-09 16:58:37 by tFt tFt
