
Breakpoint 2009 - Everything is under control

category: parties [glöplog]
puryx: it's mutual :)
added on the 2009-04-14 15:46:20 by quisten quisten
I don't know what it was. I just know Breakpoint 2009 reached levels of 'w007' that were missing last year. 2008 was absolutely killer in many ways and... I dunno what it was, there was new magic injected into this, and it kicked total and complete ass.

Except for one issue which I'll fix for next year's Ansi/Ascii unofficial compo. Actually there are several things that I think will just make the organizer's life easier with that, and I'll work on that, because I'm sorry, you guys do waaaay too much already for us and anything I do to deminish your personal time at the party sucks. So I'll commit right now to fixing these issues so y'all get some time back for yourself at the party.

In addition, you know where to go if you need my help for anything.

Mass mass mass mass props.
I did it here cause I dont want to break my holy glöpcount! but ok lets get creative!

yes, ive done some 4kmusic andI am very impressed of your synth and the technical qualities of the music. But the composition is avarage to ok and the melody towards the end horrible. Maybe its a partyprod, I dont know, but if it was me I would have tried harder with that melody instead of settling with that one that seems more randomnotepunched, especially towards the end. It kind of ruined the whole zik that didnt bother me at first even though the style lacks inovation?

And yes, I am a horrible person, and I try really hard to get worse thankyou! But thanks for the compliment I appriciate it.
Funny hearing the conversations about dubmood, generally they were centered around "talented but totally lets himself down by being an arraogant shit".
added on the 2009-04-14 16:00:32 by rc55 rc55
added on the 2009-04-14 16:00:49 by rc55 rc55
but I am an arrogant shit! And I like it! God bless the internet
Dubmood - Pouet.net made me an arrogant shit! Read all about it page 2,3,4, 5 and the middle
puryx: ok thanks for the info, great to hear :)
added on the 2009-04-14 16:08:16 by shadez shadez
good party (thankyou for making it happen) , great chilli flakes at the kebab stand, awesome people, but still so many i want to meet, oh well, thats the perfect excuse to come again next year :)

ok gonna go re-watch all the demos now and comment later, cheers :)
added on the 2009-04-14 16:11:21 by keito keito
People are actually replying with constructive stuff today, even though I almost didn't belive that it would happen anymore.

Thank you for that after all!

I see your point, but then again, when you have done music for 4k's yourself you would know that your instruments, variations, effects etc. are very limited.
I will never deny that my (4k) music pieces are mostly purely based on (simple) melodies.
When seeing the first pictures from the concept of this intro I of course thought "orchestral pads", so I worked on that for a long time (the first non-beat part). but having only pads for more than 1:30 didn't work for (in my head), so I started to build a "classic"-like puryx-4k tune (if one may call it that), still trying to keep a bit of the epic mountain-scape feeling. Also I was personally afraid that the intro might get a bit too boring if nothing really "kicked in".
Then limitations came into the picture: there are only bytes for a very very simple beat, and not too many different melody patterns. You may not be iking the last part variation - you're free to - I attempted to not repeat the very same first patterns again, but still keeping it close (takes up less bytes, but still sounds somewhat different)

I'm _not_ a musical genious, and will never claim that, yet I try to reach the best possible result with the skills I have. And when someone tells me that he thinks a track (that I'm satisfied with) sucks, then I would actually like to know _what_ they think sucked. Then I might be more motivated to do even better the next time.

Maybe the style lacks innovation - but hey, this is a mountain-lanscapes with a blue sky, that doesn't make your choice of genres completely free, also not when you have to work together with other people on the project and they that have their impression of how the final result should be.

I think I pulled off quite some different styles in the 4ks we did the last 2 years - and our main goal in TBC was and still is to do _different_ stuff as much as possible.

Thanks again for leaving me at some useful feedback, and sorry to everybody else for filling up the thread with a god damn wall of text - you can go rant me about that now ;)
added on the 2009-04-14 16:14:29 by Puryx Puryx

I just had a really really good trip. The bustrip was very gentle compared to last year, and I stayed over at some friends on the midway to catch some sleep with my great travelling companion Fuzzy. They picked us up from the station 1:30 in the night and let us sleep over in their nice appartment, eat their food, and fuck off. I am very happy with that :)

Anyway, the party... was... fucking excellent. I ended up spending too little time making a demo, so I didn't have anything, but fuck that, because the real party was outside. This is the first party in a long time which I just chilled 100% with people for hours.

Highlights in short sentences:
* Meeting Optimus
* BBQ with the dutch guys
* Playing skrebbel's ukulele with the dutch guys
* Making music with the drunk Polish guy with the big black hair and the sunglasses.
* Drunk jamming by the bonfire Saturday night. Fucking amazing session.
* Chit-chat with Temis and some Israelian guy in the sun on the last day of the party.
* Singing Bohemian Rhapsody with Jeenio & the guys on the night before Monday.
* Having my very own audience for my famous blues song "She's got the red, so I got the blues." (unregistered trademark!)
* Watching crappy shitmovies on the bus on the way home.
* Meeting a fuckton of nice new guys, most of who's name I've forgotten.
* Trying Romeo Knight's Ibanez 540P-II guitar! :D
* The concert.
* Decent kebabs.
* The fucking smooth organizing - it was a bliss.
* Watching Rupture.

I went directly from my sleep-over in Jutland to my university, but when I came there I felt so fucking amazingly high from the whole trip that I had temporary learning dissability. I had also seen a fucking amazingly hot/sexy/beatiful girl on the bus, so that didn't help much either. I walked around the university and giggled like I was on drugs or something, it was a very nice experience. I talked to some friends too.

OK, I cannot concentrate about writing, gotta do something else. See you. Or something.
it was a fun party once again... met a lot of people that I don't really know or can't remember that did know me for some reason.. fun :_)

too bad the compos were not that great, although Amiga rocked the party... oh well, can't have everything... the Limp Ninja joke at the start of the democompo also rocked :_)

and.. I dunno what to write.. I have to decrunch my bags soon and all... and sort out the pics I took..
added on the 2009-04-14 17:44:22 by ___ ___
Well, hope you DO remember me. :P :o)
* experiencing the applause for Luminagia
* experiencing the applause for the prize giving
* the sunny and warm weather
* meeting up with jix,scoopr,dranix,truck from the #macscene irc channel
* the bus trip with the danes
* experiencing that Junk didn't win with ETA
* the many kebabs + beers
* the people screaming AMIGAAAAAAAAAA when you are sleeping

added on the 2009-04-14 17:58:37 by neoneye neoneye
saga musix: it was impossible to not see you every 2 hours at bp, so how could I? ;_)
added on the 2009-04-14 18:10:17 by ___ ___
+ Talking with people you haven't seen a year long.
+ Getting the last place in a compo... YAY!
+ The weather.
+ Coffee! Lots of tasty warm coffee full of caffeine! @.@

* Getting nothing done because you are too busy chatting.

- Forgetting half the stuff at home and buying it at $supermarket on Saturday.
- People who destroy stuff they don't own just because they are drunk as ten sailors.
- People who destroy stuff they don't own just because they are drunk as ten sailors.

I didn't have that... I did have someone pass out on my sleeping spot but I didn't care much about that ;_)
added on the 2009-04-14 18:26:08 by ___ ___

like many other people say.. meeting so many people you cant remember names / handles even 1 day after breakpoint. it is so awesome to meet up with someone you chatted with on irc for 12 years for the first time, or just meeting people who have shared the same interest as you for a lifetime.

all of that + the fact that the weather gods rocked + scamp and his crew did everything in their power to make our stay awesome = bliss!

to everyone i met, and everyone i hope to meet at a later party..thank you for a great experience!
added on the 2009-04-14 18:49:59 by xerxes xerxes
oh.. and i have to say i think the food was awesome. so if anyone working at one of those booths somehow stumble across this site by accident, and decide to read the entire breakpoint thread.... WELL DONE!
added on the 2009-04-14 18:52:04 by xerxes xerxes
<Grag> * Watching crappy shitmovies on the bus on the way home.

Ninjas in the killing field was awesome, and what's not awesome with hackers, terminator 2 and real genious? and on the way to the party that great space movie, napoleon dynamite and office space?

And we didn't even watch the new guy, matrix (1), wargames and operation takdown... :D
added on the 2009-04-14 18:59:33 by thec thec
(or revenge of the nerds ;)
added on the 2009-04-14 19:00:18 by thec thec
very very cool party. Only the pc demo compo ended suprisingly without excellent productions.

One day, I will attend a BP with a finished production in my pocket..
added on the 2009-04-14 19:04:20 by pixtur pixtur
best experience was realizing that a steak just flew on my desk... lol
added on the 2009-04-14 19:06:39 by zygentoma zygentoma
BP organizers, thanks! Awesome party.
added on the 2009-04-14 19:15:37 by maytz maytz
1000 Thanks to all the BP organizer team for delivering the best demoparty of the last decade ;) or well at least IMO :)
added on the 2009-04-14 19:47:17 by nystep nystep
