
How is the typical demoscener

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Also, I've heard way too many chipmusic concerts where its just a guy making drone noise on a Gameboy. :P

You mean, dudes like this? *tihihi*

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added on the 2012-03-21 18:03:38 by okkie okkie
Im gonna frame that picture and hang it on my wall, to remind me where the edge is.
added on the 2012-03-21 19:26:54 by quisten quisten
The edge of a bathtub?
added on the 2012-03-21 19:43:53 by msqrt msqrt
what gloom said.
added on the 2012-03-21 19:52:45 by iq iq
I knew that pic would come back to haunt me someday. Why did you hipsterize it Gloom, whyyyy??

And hey, Okkie, I VERY distictly remember you being STOKED after seeing LSDj and buying it yourself :P
added on the 2012-03-21 20:03:14 by ferris ferris
Damn I wish I had a picture of myself playing with LSDj in my bathroom.
added on the 2012-03-21 20:08:49 by xylo xylo
LSDJ is awesome. But if you only make glitchy drone noise with it you don't really let it come to it's right, imho.
added on the 2012-03-21 20:09:08 by ___ ___
Also, they were NOT drones :P http://soundcloud.com/yupferris/revival
added on the 2012-03-21 20:12:36 by ferris ferris
Yeah glitchy drone noise on LSDJ sucks. This is what needs to go down.

added on the 2012-03-21 20:12:36 by xylo xylo
never said you droned ferris
youre one of the good guys : D
haha well thank you then :)
added on the 2012-03-21 21:04:42 by ferris ferris
I thought you needed at least 20 years without cutting your hair to grow an afro.
added on the 2012-03-21 21:14:49 by xernobyl xernobyl
nah every carnaval store here has them for about 5€
added on the 2012-03-21 21:20:59 by havoc havoc
ferris: that isn't even the MOST hipsterized version!
added on the 2012-03-21 21:44:21 by gloom gloom
added on the 2012-03-21 22:02:56 by ferris ferris
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added on the 2012-03-21 22:23:13 by gasman gasman
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added on the 2012-03-21 22:40:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
Ahh pouet, your addiction to random images constantly amazes and astounds me.
Just to be clear it wasn't me Zavie.
added on the 2012-03-21 22:44:15 by ringofyre ringofyre
"random"? exCUSE me. we're being very very specific here.
added on the 2012-03-21 22:46:02 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2012-03-21 22:46:49 by el mal el mal
argh :D
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added on the 2012-03-21 22:47:13 by el mal el mal
I suppose this is all just payback for this thread :D
added on the 2012-03-21 22:55:13 by ferris ferris
don't bother meeting the typical demoscener but meet all the cool demosceners ;)
And hey, Okkie, I VERY distictly remember you being STOKED after seeing LSDj and buying it yourself :P

I wasn't judging man! Just observing! And LSDj is hella fun indeed!!! Though my tracks are still somewhat too bleepy and not bloopy enough :(

And now you are a meme, welcome to pouet!
added on the 2012-03-22 10:17:58 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2012-03-22 11:47:42 by Exin Exin
