
WANTED: original author of a certain song

category: music [glöplog]
D Fast: Unfortunately he did not know. He has never heard it before he said :/
added on the 2010-11-10 12:04:57 by gloom gloom

I'd give the author proper credit for what he/she has made. This tune in discussion has influenced me a lot and I'd love to hear more tunes from the original artist. Even better, I'd ask the artist if he/she still had the tracks somewhere and maybe a better quality version of the song.

Can't really agree on the "searching is fun" part, because for me this is the same as the situation when you hear a tune in your head but can't remember what the song is. It's more or less irritating! But in this case the search has expanded to more or less silly proportions, so there's bound to be something enjoyable within the search itself.

I'm a bit afraid that this search is indeed a neverending story.
added on the 2010-11-10 17:31:32 by D Fast D Fast
This is your curse, you must fight alone.
knl: )))))))
added on the 2010-11-11 05:52:07 by elfh elfh
sounds very much like Skaven yes. better check out his tunes or ask him if you can reach him. in 05:50 where have i heard that before? sounds familiar of something ive heard before..
added on the 2010-11-11 16:54:45 by rudi rudi
I don't think it sounds very much like Skaven - the techniques are different. Could be his first tune after moving from tracking to MIDI I guess but I don't find it very likely.
added on the 2010-11-11 20:57:53 by gloom gloom
I dunno, the part at 3:50 sounded way too much like "Ave Maria" for my taste. I know that all music is inspired by something else, but this is just distracting.

It could be Skaven, he's done this style before, but it could also be someone that's greatly inspired by him. I would've hoped for the latter since I wouldn't like to think that one of the greatest mod composers of my childhood would do something as uninspired as the part at 3:50.
added on the 2010-11-12 07:26:40 by elfan elfan
it reminds me of bobby o!
added on the 2010-11-12 12:57:33 by skrebbel skrebbel
To me it sounds closer to a japanese rpg fan guy.
who else would make a tune with as much orchestry as this?
ive heard alot of musicians (thats what i like to think of myself atleast). but what is alot and how many where into composing orchestry-music in the scene
added on the 2010-11-12 14:15:52 by rudi rudi
who else would make a tune with as much orchestry as this?
A whole lot of people? The point is that we don't know who made the original - it's not at all a given that it was made by a scener at all, is it?
added on the 2010-11-12 14:31:03 by gloom gloom
Maybe HBC should make an epic animation for that track, upload it to youtube etc, and maybe the original author would emerge? :D
added on the 2010-11-12 18:06:47 by kurli kurli
Although gotta admit, it would be a difficult tune for a soundtrack cause it has 14 mood changes! Fourteen! Oh wait... ;)
added on the 2010-11-12 18:16:08 by kurli kurli
The composer could indeed be anyone, not necessarily one from the demoscene. And no, it's not Skaven either.

Let's stir this one up a bit:

After venturing in to my old hd, I found another tune that could easily be from the very same composer, at least the style is very similar - soundwise as well.

Psychic Mind - Clouds of a Golden Sky (this one has the old TiS ID in the filename as well)

There's also a psytrance/goa tune, I think it was called "Lost in Space" that has pretty much the same melodies as Travellers Journey, but as I'm writing this I haven't found it yet. There's a slight change that whoever wrote Travellers Journey also made some trance music, but gotta see more to this later.
added on the 2010-11-12 20:33:36 by D Fast D Fast
Might be the french composer Philippe Vachey who did the music for the little big adventure games... Sounds somewhat similar in style.
added on the 2010-11-12 20:41:05 by velo velo
Remembered the song title a bit wrong, but here it is:

Psychic Mind - Night Clubbin' (Extended Mix)

Hear the similarities with this and The Travellers Journey? COINCIDENCE?

Also found the original TiS file with original ID number:

Psychic Mind - The Travellers Journey

Judging from the ID3 tags, we're talking year 2001 here. Naturally the original songs could've been made a lot earlier than that.
added on the 2010-11-12 20:47:25 by D Fast D Fast


who else would make a tune with as much orchestry as this?

A whole lot of people? The point is that we don't know who made the original - it's not at all a given that it was made by a scener at all, is it?

if it can be a whole lot of people, then good luck searching for the author!

im just not gonna bother :)
added on the 2010-11-12 21:04:48 by rudi rudi
I think you guys don't get the whole idea. Dfast is only trying to get you all inside his infinite loop.
i inserted a break; i got out!
added on the 2010-11-16 17:55:38 by rudi rudi
Sounds somewhat similar to things from http://www.jamendo.com/fr/artist/Butterfly_Tea.

I also noticed a part of the music is composed by Js. Bach (and yes, a lot earlier than 2001 :))
After a few years this freaking issue came back to my mind. ARGH! Welcome to the loop-de-loop.
added on the 2013-10-28 13:32:46 by D Fast D Fast
Damnit - and here I came hoping that you'd managed to track down the original author. :)
added on the 2013-10-28 14:28:08 by gloom gloom
considering it's quite sample heavy. maybe m0d could give you a top something in file size in the classical/orchestral category in the 1995-2001 period?
added on the 2013-10-28 15:07:07 by el mal el mal
To me it sounds more like music from a stock library.
added on the 2013-10-28 20:17:21 by gloom gloom
I like these kind of hunts but appreciate that they can end up in a lot of frustration and wasted time! I don't know about the orchestral pieces, but the trancey track sounds like it might have come from around 2000.
