Chrome Experiments
category: general [glöplog]
texel: no, that's not the main point. and I know very well what I'm talking about. this is exactly what google creative lab is trying to avoid, and google by extension. remember the radiohead musicvideo last year?
stijn: that's exactly why I posted it here. but now it's clear pouet != scene. will post somewhere else next time. come on! we need reworked, we need to get away from the pouet trolls.
trace: Why I believe it is Chrome promotion:
1) Title: "Chrome Experiments" and not "Javascript Experiments"
2) In the top menu "Get Google Chrome". There are more browsers supporting canvas, but there is not a "get a canvas compatible browser" link, just a "Get Google Chrome".
3) When you click on "LAUNCH EXPERIMENT":
We recommend you launch this experiment in Google Chrome. It may run slower, or not at all, in other browsers.
Okay, I'll download Google Chrome
Well, you are free to think this is not just Chrome promotion. Maybe I'm confused today or silly... or just too troll.
1) Title: "Chrome Experiments" and not "Javascript Experiments"
2) In the top menu "Get Google Chrome". There are more browsers supporting canvas, but there is not a "get a canvas compatible browser" link, just a "Get Google Chrome".
3) When you click on "LAUNCH EXPERIMENT":
We recommend you launch this experiment in Google Chrome. It may run slower, or not at all, in other browsers.
Okay, I'll download Google Chrome
Well, you are free to think this is not just Chrome promotion. Maybe I'm confused today or silly... or just too troll.
Of course it's Chrome promotion, but at the same time it's some pretty nice javascript experiments. Who cares about the Chrome part if the javascript is nice either way?
Just get Iron, the better Chrome without the "phoning-home" shit.
nice site, despite the blunt marketing strategy, its still quite interesting to see where folks believe the quality bar is at the moment. would be nice oportunity to flabergast some minds and cause big shock to japanese brain, too bad the demoscene is so self-contained to bother knudging things abit.
i like the canvas html element thing, need to try some more serious stuff for it one of these days.
i like the canvas html element thing, need to try some more serious stuff for it one of these days.
so where *is* the quality bar? I can't say the javascript I've seen at pouet impresses me more than the tech demoish stuff I've seen elsewhere
stijn: AFAIR the last JS demos with more than 2 actual effects are 3-4 years old. Back then Canvas was not standardized. They certainly don't look as pretty as what we see nowadays but I think they are technically superior. Of course that doesn't mean much :p
Well, they may feel technically superior to me because Canvas makes many things so much easier :p dunno
fucking A, since when have the limitations of a platfom, speedwise or pixelpishing wise been a problem for sceners anyway ? I never use Chrome and I'm sceptical of Google's marketing but I like the selection and I like the 'mood'
that would be pixelpushing, pixelpishing sounds like what happens after 2 crates of Pabst Blue Robot
funny stuff
:\ I'll have to fiddle more with WebKit but so far I'm totally underwhelmed by its Canvas implementation : no lighter globalCompositeOperation, lame ass bilinear interpolation, lame ass drawImage ... everything I've tried look like poo in any WebKit based browser, and shiny and all in FireFox and Opera. *sigh*
Good demosceners get the best from the resources available. Bad demosceners complain about resources available.
Now in english.
"Good demosceners get the best from the available resources. Bad demosceners complain about the available resources."
"Good demosceners get the best from the available resources. Bad demosceners complain about the available resources."
Google advertising it may be, but there's some pretty cool stuff on there. And everything I tried ran fine in safari 4, so the marketing failed nicely here :)
Then again, I wouldn't personally put stuff on their site - i think if you're going to help somebody advertise something like that, they should be paying you for it.
Then again, I wouldn't personally put stuff on their site - i think if you're going to help somebody advertise something like that, they should be paying you for it.
I goes both ways, indeed you help them promote chrome, but you also get promotion. Specially now that it is still going around on slashdot & co.
It's like nvision.
It's like nvision.
My computer sucks.
BTW, nice work with the headtracking stuff in flash.
Thanks :)
trace: as I implicitly said, I haven't had enough time to play with WebKit and figure out work arounds for all the bugs I found.
What I was pointing is equivalent to bugs in the support of OpenGL features on some graphic cards and drivers. The spec says it must behave one way, most players do it that way ... except for the odd duck.
I'd love to be able to get some of my stuff to work in WebKit and already found work arounds for some of bugs/spec violations ( e.g. not exposing the CanvasRenderingContext2D which would allow to extend it ).
From what I've experienced so far from playing with Safari 3, developer previews of Safari 4 and previous versions of Chrome, it's as if the type of things I want to play with is exactly the opposite of what the WebKit guys have been focusing on : canvas compositing & transformations, post processing, blending operations, ...
What I was pointing is equivalent to bugs in the support of OpenGL features on some graphic cards and drivers. The spec says it must behave one way, most players do it that way ... except for the odd duck.
I'd love to be able to get some of my stuff to work in WebKit and already found work arounds for some of bugs/spec violations ( e.g. not exposing the CanvasRenderingContext2D which would allow to extend it ).
From what I've experienced so far from playing with Safari 3, developer previews of Safari 4 and previous versions of Chrome, it's as if the type of things I want to play with is exactly the opposite of what the WebKit guys have been focusing on : canvas compositing & transformations, post processing, blending operations, ...
I was kidding Mr.p01! I can see where you're at. Maybe Opera should do a similar project? That would be a nice way to push them.
I was kidding Mr.p01! I can see where you're at. Maybe Opera should do a similar project? That would be a nice way to push them.
OR they could all promote something as a standard that works everywhere.
Like, canvas?