the cracktro dilemma
category: general [glöplog]
Optimuz please write your blog post very soon!
i've always naively thought that cracktros are a gateway to the demoscene, to the scene spirit
that's 'cos... meh. i give up.
True enough :) And a very good reason why this is a non-issue from start to finish.
No offence, Zest, but if you like something, the last thing you should do is get pouet involved. It's like doing a poo on your pet kitten's head after a fleeting and misguided moment of conviction that it would make it even more cute and then complaining to everyone that your cat is covered in shit. That's how most pouet threads seem to go...
No offence, Zest, but if you like something, the last thing you should do is get pouet involved. It's like doing a poo on your pet kitten's head after a fleeting and misguided moment of conviction that it would make it even more cute and then complaining to everyone that your cat is covered in shit. That's how most pouet threads seem to go...
Fair play to you syphus.
Fair play to you syphus.
Sorry, no; more like inviting all your neighbours to come round and do poos on your kitten's head!
I'm at work and the moments of meditation in which I try to construct analogies are frequently interrupted.
I'm at work and the moments of meditation in which I try to construct analogies are frequently interrupted.
and zest please give up analyzing things
so they dont need to be "aesthetically pleasing", except they are uploaded here.
Yep, you are right, this is a site where we discuss the artistic merits (if any) of these intros. Please take this into account before getting your panties in a twist about the comments.
syphus: that's what i meant in the first place, most of the cracktro groups can't be accused of your main reproach (except maybe titan ;) as they usually don't bother posting their releases on pouet, glöpwhores do ;D
also about cool intro concepts, i liked sheep/ages' efforts to make intros for major game trainers :)
also about cool intro concepts, i liked sheep/ages' efforts to make intros for major game trainers :)
Ok, SOMEONE please poo on a kitten's head and post the pic.
guardian: let's leave that (your) problem in the laughable french thread.
zest> well apparently, i am not (wasn't) the only one out there begging you to stfu and stop opening useless threads
çà va moucher rouge ! :)
we're a cracktro group now? cool!!!!
bah guardian, i won't even try answering to your ayatollah'ish self-centered reaction.
if you don't feel concerned by that stupid thread, just skip it and spend your time more wisely.
if you don't feel concerned by that stupid thread, just skip it and spend your time more wisely.
In fact, making a cracktro under a secret nickname attached in the cracked software that the company I have a job produces, would be a very funny and ironic thing for me to do :)
such irony wouldn't be the first :p
btw it's interesting to notice that last popular demos have been playing with 'kinetic typography' (as willbe call it) a lot - see paniq's works for the most representative examples - because it's a hip trend in mainstream medias (and a cheap & efficient way to fill space with meaningful content...) and even if scene poetry is usually not so appreciated...
whereas the productions who would need efficient/impressive typography to fulfil their primary purpose still use old amiga fonts and pixel logos! o_O
come on cracktros, see what hitch did with his walking fries, there is place for new things |o/
(yes one day i should convert my words into bytes, one fuking day!)
whereas the productions who would need efficient/impressive typography to fulfil their primary purpose still use old amiga fonts and pixel logos! o_O
come on cracktros, see what hitch did with his walking fries, there is place for new things |o/
(yes one day i should convert my words into bytes, one fuking day!)
also fiver's immersive typography in debris, which is massively used in the new X-files clone show Fringe...
please don't say that this was invented by fiver, though. please
of course not, the thread about debris listed all the mainstream references and the trick is prolly super old, personally i noticed it in a david fincher flick.
according to wiki, "Scholars recognize the first feature film to take advantage of kinetic typography as Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest." (1959)

dunno about the history of the 'immersive' type, does anyone know ?

dunno about the history of the 'immersive' type, does anyone know ?
Doing 80s style cool looking + sounding cracktros that run well at 8mhz in 40kb: cool.
Doing 80s style cool looking + sounding stuff with crazy effects that use modern power in 64kb: cool.
Doing 80s style average looking + sounding stuff that runs worse on a 2ghz pc than it should on an 8mhz amiga, while taking several hundred kb to do it? umm...
Doing 80s style cool looking + sounding stuff with crazy effects that use modern power in 64kb: cool.
Doing 80s style average looking + sounding stuff that runs worse on a 2ghz pc than it should on an 8mhz amiga, while taking several hundred kb to do it? umm...
A cracktro is small enough if it fits on the disk with the game and fast enough if it runs on the same system that the game runs on tho. ;)
2 links i've just stumbled upon which could opportunely inspire intro design :
by alpha1Talking about graphical effects... crackintros never came close to actual demos in the 90's, so why do they have to now? The Amiga also had more power then a simple sinescroll would need but still we all loved 'em back then and nobody complained about it, sayin "Ooooh, I could code that scroll on C64, what a lame code for 68000!". A crackintro is not a demo, easy as that, it carries a little message and does not need any hardcore effects. And if it does, its okay, and if its only a black screen with a text, its also okay (not for this platform here of course). Hitchhikr's or Keops "intros" are for sure a 'must see' but their coding talent may not become the standard for a cracktro coder nowadays, otherwise we will have to wait until groups like Farbrausch start to code cracktros and I can't imagine that this will ever happen.