
Drunk people at Evoke

category: general [glöplog]
I didn't realize you needed beer, madenmann :(

More beer for you next time. Especially after the bottle of water!
added on the 2007-08-14 01:05:45 by Shifter Shifter
Well, did you actually ask for a beer?
OH NOEZ, I need to ask for some beer after hard wurkz. Times have changed.

More beer for you next time. Especially after the bottle of water!
Die Hollander ... sind die Nummer 1!. Thx mate.

On a side note: asking people for alcohol leeds to tUM*o4 experiences. ;)
Strange. I'd say Evoke was extremely calm, somewhat too calm... not too many drunk people, only some DJing in the night but no random loudpeaker crap, no porn beamed all over the hall...

What's up, people? What happened to mad partying? Are we getting old slowly?
added on the 2007-08-14 02:16:39 by eye eye
eye: Kinderschieberbande – Joschua and Leonard were at the party place, it wouldn't be okay to display porn in front of young boys. ;)
MadenMann: Thereby may I torment you with the fact that I brought original Thüringer Würste and Brätel all the way to the partyplace and that we had quite a feast while you were busy carrying bear barrels ;P
added on the 2007-08-14 10:59:42 by d0DgE d0DgE
Computermans and beer doesnt fit anyways!!!

What's up, people? What happened to mad partying? Are we getting old slowly?

Well, I sure as hell was gladly surprised to hear "Smooth Operator" by Sade at 3:00am groovin' from the Speckdrumm Lounge :D
1st time I heard a song like that at a demoparty
added on the 2007-08-14 13:56:54 by d0DgE d0DgE
Are we getting old slowly?

I have to say that I never thought being at a hotel during a demoparty could be so relaxing.

So, yes.

Ahh.. the days of old. Staying awake through the entire Assembly with nothing but coke.. no these new-fangled energy drink things *grumble*
added on the 2007-08-14 14:00:48 by Preacher Preacher
cofein pills is the way to stay awake.
added on the 2007-08-14 15:01:28 by nosfe nosfe
I´ve been rather drunk on Evoke 07, but was surprised of such a quite demo-party. Nothing to compare with Breakpoint or X-Party. For my taste it was too quite ...
added on the 2007-08-14 15:13:08 by MRC MRC
not as quiet as numerica, where 90% of the ppl went sleeping at 3.00 or so, luckily we partied hard in the seminar/music room and jeenio kept me up all night with his drunken snoring :)
added on the 2007-08-14 15:43:31 by el mal el mal
Strange. I'd say Evoke was extremely calm, somewhat too calm... not too many drunk people, only some DJing in the night but no random loudpeaker crap, no porn beamed all over the hall...

What's up, people? What happened to mad partying? Are we getting old slowly?

It's actually quite simple: Sobec^SD was not with us and thus no overdimensional speakers, and no SD Shouter action. This will of course be back at TUM07 :)
added on the 2007-08-14 16:40:53 by Paralax Paralax
OH NOEZ, I need to ask for some beer after hard wurkz. Times have changed.

Well, there was no way for us to give you a beer directly after you brought the kegs in since we had to set everything up first.
added on the 2007-08-14 22:48:09 by cyraxx cyraxx
Mmm...while i was drunk, trying to sleep, at somewhat between 2am and 5 am in the morning, they played some Southpark style music video that gave me some nightmare. Someone knows what it was?
added on the 2007-08-15 00:36:32 by Exin Exin
Well, I sure as hell was gladly surprised to hear "Smooth Operator" by Sade at 3:00am groovin' from the Speckdrumm Lounge :D
1st time I heard a song like that at a demoparty

Ich sag nur:
"Sceners in the sun"...

added on the 2007-08-15 01:53:30 by novel novel
