farbrausch demo tools open source
category: code [glöplog]
again without source. the rotor could be a base sinus to rotate and the fader could be what was the ramp in wz1. dunno how this this works in a time based manner. :/
seriously, take a deep breath and just stop, all of you. stop applying magical thinking to this and other functionality in wz*. variables are just variables! it's all just code. which you now can see. no need to spin up crazy conspiracy theories anymore, you can just look up what's going on!
quoting from the source code: (the very place you found the variable names in)
SV_BaseTime->FloatPtr[0] = pi.TimeBeat/65536.0f;
SV_Time->FloatPtr[0] = sFMod(pi.TimeBeat/65536.0f/16,1);
SV_LocalTime->FloatPtr[0] = pi.TimeBeat/65536.0f;
SV_LowQuality->IntPtr[0] = Doc->LowQuality && (Doc->DocOptions.DialogFlags & wDODF_LowQuality);
for(sInt i=0;i<8;i++)
SV_Rotor->FloatPtr[i] = MidiFloat[i+8];
SV_Fader->FloatPtr[i] = MidiFloat[i];
and a bit later:
void Wz4RenderType_::Midi()
sMidiEvent e;
if(e.Value1>=0x10 && e.Value1<0x20)
sInt n = e.Value1-0x10;
MidiHigh[n] = e.Value2;
else if(e.Value1>=0x30 && e.Value1<0x40)
sInt n = e.Value1-0x30;
MidiFloat[n] = (MidiHigh[n]*128+e.Value2)/999.0f;
it's just bindings to a midi controller like this one, which chaos tinkered a bit with years ago. the end.
ryg, yumeji
Got it guys. Thanks.
Another workflow question. In wz3 it's easy to animate a mesh with a Spline. How about wz4? Can't find anything like that in the public data files...
Got it guys. Thanks.
Another workflow question. In wz3 it's easy to animate a mesh with a Spline. How about wz4? Can't find anything like that in the public data files...
kb: the stuff i'd like to (have) fix(ed) is that they seem to fuck up in fullscreen, kapital has fonts missing (i THINK), and fr06 doesn't work at all. plus the point is if you have that whole "demo selector" dropdown, it'd be nice to actually have a point to it and just have one exe that runs all of them. :)
oh, first kb and ryg killed 49games, then now will kill farbrausch demogroup :) thats cool @all. what comes next? now all wz user will be members of fr? or some fake fr releases? use my depackers to open up all the wz4 packages, delete any copyrights and release it throug your name . at all ryg and kb now give support for many years.
Demos and copyright... sure. I guess somebody didn't get the point.
what comes next? do you form a new demogroup, or why destroy your fB thing? what is with chaos? i would not read any com in the threat. why do you release your skillz, that every beginner is as good as you? i think it is great to play around with your tools, but these are yours. what about the other wz coders like fiver2 or wayfinder. no one has something to say? will fr be diing, or splitting? or is it just your old stuff? btw cann you please give us exe file from the wz version from the 49games. if it is dead you can release this version. also a exe version of the kkrieger exe would be really cool. ryg&kb thank for doing this, are you having some virus stuff in your exe files? :)
also a exe version of the kkrieger (werkkzeug version exe) would be really cool.

I think they consulted that with the rest of the team, relax.
@pouet admins : please delete this residue
So Sauron is just butthurt that kebby and co undid ALL his hard,hard work.
Big deal.
Big deal.
ryg: Shut up - yumeji knows better than you!
where is chaos ?
predominantly in my head.
chaos is the main developer of the tool . no?
kb: Very nice move. I just had a chat with somebody asking me, how to start making PC demos. I recommended the Werkkzeug 1.3 tutorial, because it was sooo nicely made.
I guess it's too much ask for a 10-30 minute video introduction similar to that stuff?
I guess it's too much ask for a 10-30 minute video introduction similar to that stuff?
lol gloom... i just didn't get that load of files into a readable (editor.exe sucks to read that) form aka into a VS project to compile or just to read it... so i did just guess without havin' seen anything.
you's not serious about that "yumeji knows better everything" huh? :)
who's bored there and doing the complaining fanboy sauron. :D
you's not serious about that "yumeji knows better everything" huh? :)
who's bored there and doing the complaining fanboy sauron. :D
Let me try to understand this, sauron... you're saying that releasing the internal tools with source means that the demogroup breaks up? If that's true, then there's no farbrausch, no alcatraz, no fairlight, no conspiracy, no ASD, nothing. The scene is dead then... Even I released the sources of 2 of our intros, that means my group is destroyed as well?
Nice logic going on there!
Nice logic going on there!
nobody has still realized that "Sauron" != "_sauron_" so that post was just a stupid joke that came from some internet troll / impostor ?
Will the beauty be released? It's also powered by altona. Aparently. And that terrain still kicks ass.
no, i love that releases.. they did great job, but fr will dy no i think. the other groups will, too :( i respekt all there work, but what is with chaos, fiver2, wayfinder? no comment in this post?
and yes _sauron_ is my mobile nick: http://werkkzeug.wallst.ru/info
sauron: this is exactly what the demoscene is all about ;)
i don't know for sure why chaos, fiver2, wayfinder etc. aren't posting in this thread - though i can imagine why :) - but it's not because they didn't agree to this.
ryg: yes it is! Farbrausch is dead - your self-obsessed source-giveaway has killed your group - sauron says so (and he ought to know, he's HACKED YOU BEFORE!)
what they doing ryg. work or family? i do have some head to think. whatever.. it's theirs.
just got a kkrieger fork of wz3 built in vs2008. thx for the project files tho. i'm such a lame coder. and i don't wanna find out howto organize to build wz4. all in one? nah. now for some more code modification. :D
just got a kkrieger fork of wz3 built in vs2008. thx for the project files tho. i'm such a lame coder. and i don't wanna find out howto organize to build wz4. all in one? nah. now for some more code modification. :D