
farbrausch demo tools open source

category: code [glöplog]
just to note: i compressed using kkrunchy_023a3. the asm07 fucked up compressing. this may indicate that small ultra build might be a tad unstable. so...
added on the 2012-04-24 01:57:35 by yumeji yumeji
"fucked up compressing" how?
added on the 2012-04-24 02:44:14 by ryg ryg
nothing to be worried about ryg. ;) just happened that the uncrompressed worked sometimes where the compressed didn't. blame it on my sloppy dev env setup skills. 2010 just isn't in yet. i just can't with the gui and scripture language of that edition. :/
added on the 2012-04-24 03:03:00 by yumeji yumeji
btw. if anybody could give me a hint how to suppress that 2010 studio to compile files out of order and throw dependencies all over the place... go for it.

the base root and materials build as staticlib on minimal and are linked to werkkzeug and the players the usual way and functions should be known thru headers... but the linker still doesn't see some of the them. it's really strange. verhexed. sometimes it does sometimes not. :D
added on the 2012-04-24 03:31:30 by yumeji yumeji
hmm, that shouldn't happen... can you repro it?
added on the 2012-04-24 07:37:06 by ryg ryg
@ryg : possibility to get an (intro example as *.k) like "platinum" or other . it´s just to understand the different structure, combinations of op´s.


ok, i tried the intro player code; *.kx is included; op list is ok
if i set rygdxt to 1 so it´s possible to compile, but if it´s started (precalc) so it crash
if i set rygdxt to 0 .. result error on compile ( of course) ;)

by the way ( demo player endresult -> uncompressed ~960 kbyte -> compressed 233kbyte
as intro build ( endresult btw 650 -> 670 kbyte uncompressed) ) but, crashed ( i think it´s the rygdxt thing) any hint´s ?
added on the 2012-04-24 11:08:20 by quickyman quickyman
ryg should start a farbrausch demo tools support organization, he could get rich doing it! It's free to download and use, but when you need help it's time to pay! ;)
added on the 2012-04-24 11:35:15 by ekoli ekoli
time to pay .. of course, but you know it self (work & knowledge of that) it´s priceless.
it´s the same how other demogroups what released their code.
the question for (example "platinum" project file) is just to understand combination of ops
in intro mode. it´s the same as starting with wz1. Many peoples tried and tested with the sample files to understand the stacking funktion.
added on the 2012-04-24 12:41:32 by quickyman quickyman
and !!! - still waiting for the first intro´s or demo´s what are created then by this source .
hopefully remember we all to not forget to make the credits inside. It´s the same for all other opensource projects or demo tools what are now for public.
added on the 2012-04-24 12:47:26 by quickyman quickyman
intro doesn't look any different at all. they use exactly the same ops.
added on the 2012-04-24 16:55:27 by ryg ryg
..ryg :"they use exactly the same ops ..

demo_op_list -- -> 0x183, Init_Scene_LOD, Exec_Scene_LOD,
intro_op_list -- -> 0x183, Init_Scene_Ambient, Exec_Scene_Ambient ???
added on the 2012-04-24 17:44:10 by quickyman quickyman
that would be what we in the business call a copy&paste bug.

ground truth is werkops.cpp:
"LOD" ,0x183,

demo_op_list wins.
added on the 2012-04-24 18:00:44 by ryg ryg
intro doesn't look any different at all. they use exactly the same ops.

i think it's about the size. debris is off any size limits tho. and i guess quickyman tried to just get to release file size.

got close to that and stable now. the intro mode just crashes randomly. for interested: it's indeed demo compile with /nodefaultlib, nocrt, nopng, nofried, minmesh, fatmesh and all sorts of materials + rygdxt & loadertune. gets to 184kb with some sort of a basic oplist. compiling with /O1 gets smaller but the spline knots don't show up indemo then. call it a bug then.
added on the 2012-04-24 19:13:07 by yumeji yumeji
intro doesn't have access to the standard c library, #defines sINTRO which gives slower but smaller versions for lots of stuff (and disables some functionality), and is generally more annoying to deal with than demo.

both demo and intro players were originally written for vs2003, properly ported to vs2005, and improperly ported in about 10 minutes to vs2010 for the sake of this release :). the intro player might well be broken, i did not test it, since i don't have source data for any intro lying around. (should have something in our svn, but i didn't check).
added on the 2012-04-24 19:58:36 by ryg ryg
nah. don't shade yourself. the intro player works fine. tested with that intro.k delivered. it just can't load debris all the time. i got it running a couple of times but most of all crashes at initialising randomly. mosdef offseted in the material system. intros not intended to work with 2.0 shaders i'd say. huh? ;)
added on the 2012-04-24 20:09:02 by yumeji yumeji
Given that I'm lazy - where can I find the operators for the kkrieger "bot leg movements"? Is that IK? I remember that you even talked somewhere on TV about that (giga? ;)).
added on the 2012-04-24 20:55:19 by las las
of course intros are intended to work with 2.0 shaders, both precision and platinum use them! (in fact precision was the first thing we shipped with the new material system)

las: Exec_Scene_Limb, Exec_Scene_Walk in genscene.cpp.
added on the 2012-04-24 22:50:40 by ryg ryg
ryg: you have any hint howto to get the kkrieger.kx outta the snowblind project? howto flip those unnown op with that background ifs? or is it possible that the player is broken anyway? the compile looks rather small and crashes at some material instance stuff.

if you know something about it... just...

thx :)
added on the 2012-04-24 23:53:35 by yumeji yumeji
just in: any hints on howto repro that exact textures produced by the cloud operator from wz1. what was that thing? a fake perlin or kinda layer plasma? i guess the exact green blue distort is off to ask too... ofc. i just want to repro some of my old generic "rock" textures to work in wz3. they were so nice. :/

afaik... yeh... nobody cares. i have todo something new. huh? :D
added on the 2012-04-27 01:11:26 by yumeji yumeji
the cloud operator in wz1 was a subdivision plasma. ktg has the magic switch to generate that kind of texture (the noise type selector, which can do either bandlimited or white noise per octave), but wz3 doesn't.
added on the 2012-04-27 02:40:14 by ryg ryg
ahh okay. cool. :D

i guess i have to really "durchwühlen" all the code tmrw to get it. will see if i manage to integrate it as a wz3 op. it's a small start for some marblish, rockish and "kork" alike textures bases with another one on the gb-distort. a lil fast artsy op that is. i really like it.

so... thx here. :)
added on the 2012-04-27 04:04:24 by yumeji yumeji
Guess what's coming really soon now...

BB Image
added on the 2012-04-27 15:16:20 by kb_ kb_
added on the 2012-04-27 15:41:10 by el mal el mal
quote " Guess what's coming really soon now... " -> another sharper/cleared picture :D
added on the 2012-04-27 17:09:06 by quickyman quickyman
Dutch-colorscheme version of Magellan?
added on the 2012-04-27 17:10:48 by D.Fox D.Fox
