
Breakpoint 2009 - Everything is under control

category: parties [glöplog]
Not sure if this have been answered before, but will the cocktail stand be there again?
added on the 2009-04-06 22:16:49 by kyber kyber
Yes, all food and drink stands are going to return.
added on the 2009-04-06 22:59:22 by scamp scamp
just fyi solo2 will be unfortunately unable to make it - cancel all caviar dishes

so am i because my brain fused looking at the "arriving at breakpoint" page :S
added on the 2009-04-06 23:09:17 by bfx bfx
danish weatherforecast for Frankfurt looks like this:

BB Image

not too shabby ;)
added on the 2009-04-07 00:03:14 by dwarf dwarf
Coming from the ~5-7C rainy Helsinki, I can only look forward to spending some time in sunshine.
added on the 2009-04-07 00:57:09 by Preacher Preacher
Sup dag I heard you like good weather.
added on the 2009-04-07 01:11:46 by gr9yfox gr9yfox
Coming from Portugal I'll have cold. Oh well.
added on the 2009-04-07 01:41:28 by xernobyl xernobyl
Weather stations inside the rhine valley (unlike Frankfurt) usually give more accurate results:

BB Image
added on the 2009-04-07 02:16:17 by scamp scamp
\O/ for all the food stands to return ... and for the weather forecast as well.
added on the 2009-04-07 09:00:57 by kyber kyber
looks like it's gonna be no mud-point this time :D
added on the 2009-04-07 09:53:17 by v3nom v3nom
Awww. Who's willing to bring some mud?
it looks more like a picture of a 4k soft synth gui to me.

It would be freak(ing scenish) to pick weather statistics for one year's temperature, humidity and rain stuff, and use them as samples to make a song. Anyone for the wild compo? (although probably too periodic/sinusoidal to get interesting sounds)
added on the 2009-04-07 20:06:39 by iq iq
Zest? Zest, is that you?
added on the 2009-04-07 20:57:53 by Hyde Hyde
Hyde :D
added on the 2009-04-07 21:08:45 by keops keops
question about showers

my girlfriend asked me about the showers. i know the mens' showers very well. they are the fun type. but i was wondering what the lady shower arrangements are at BP

like, there's not so many girls... do you all agree to go different times or are the showers separate cubicles or what?

this is pouet so i won't get any more specific than that

bunch of perverts...

saying that in advance
added on the 2009-04-07 23:19:42 by forestcre forestcre
There will be dedicated shower times for girls, no worries.
added on the 2009-04-07 23:25:50 by scamp scamp
speaking of which, will showers be open only for an hour again?
added on the 2009-04-08 01:50:07 by Gargaj Gargaj

gargaj, when are you coming in? need to talk to you a bit..
added on the 2009-04-08 02:03:56 by xerxes xerxes
speaking of which, will showers be open only for an hour again?

Last year I had bath almost 1 hour after the deadline ended once or twice.
added on the 2009-04-08 02:14:36 by xernobyl xernobyl
gargaj, when are you coming in?

to the showers you mean? ;*
added on the 2009-04-08 10:09:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
let's talk about the weather instead - looks fantastic ;)
added on the 2009-04-08 10:20:51 by Puryx Puryx
yeah! outdoor party all the way! bbq on saturday!
added on the 2009-04-08 11:14:53 by bartman bartman
added on the 2009-04-08 11:30:55 by el mal el mal
true, dat.

but we'll keep some to serve as breakfast at outline!
added on the 2009-04-08 12:27:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
