Random netlabel/netaudio release
category: music [glöplog]
new gwEm mixtape: [url}http://truechiptilldeath.com/blog/2011/04/13/gwemdecade-of-fragmentscdkr-2/[/url}
Brave Bird - Ready or Not EP - Indie Math Rock ala Algernon Cadwallader
Indie rock:
The Slides - Soma Kid North - s/t EP
Sistra - Diaphone
pandoras.box - Monomeet EP
Jap Jap - A Resonant Discovery EP - delicious idm
V/A - Desolation - nearly 3 hrs long compilation from Chase Records, on label's 6th anniversary. Varied stuff, from ambient, through dubstep, idm to hardcore techno and terrocore. FLAC version
The Slides - Soma Kid North - s/t EP
Sistra - Diaphone
pandoras.box - Monomeet EP
Jap Jap - A Resonant Discovery EP - delicious idm
V/A - Desolation - nearly 3 hrs long compilation from Chase Records, on label's 6th anniversary. Varied stuff, from ambient, through dubstep, idm to hardcore techno and terrocore. FLAC version
Varia - Magic + Omega - incredible 2cd mashup album. Electro, hiphop, heavy metal, you name it, you have it.
Forbidden 45's - quoting Music for Maniacs Blog: "song-poems, disco atrocities, singing children, singing animals, exercise records, rap novelties, hillbillies, more song poems, angry Chipmunks, Jane Fonda talking dirty, and an enchanted one-man polka puppet-show orchestra"
Oh, forgot to add the link to the tracklist/summary of the above mix: it's here.
Astrowind - Der Leuchtturm - synth ambient
Kid North melikes.
http://kovaydin.net/v3/?page_id=25 finnish speedcore netlablel :)
Milk / Maito are back:
Maito Records
You'll also see that they've re-mastered all of the original module releases and have made them available as MP3s. Enjoy!
Maito Records
You'll also see that they've re-mastered all of the original module releases and have made them available as MP3s. Enjoy!
Not sure whether katapulto has been mentioned in this thread. If not, he should have! <3
distance: thanks for the silver lining. truly great.
how could I forget to spam here some 13 tracks album.
A sad album you would probably listen before going to work, drinking your daily coffee, while thinking it's a beautiful day and you should not go to work but go to work instead but hey you gotta pay your foods and rent so you're going to work and you hate it so hard because, well, admit it, you prefer making a demo about the weather.
genre, and this time I'm being a serious whore, ballad and glitches, from post-chip (you saw it coming) to some kind of neglected electro/electronic music. Add a bit of doom too, probably.
A sad album you would probably listen before going to work, drinking your daily coffee, while thinking it's a beautiful day and you should not go to work but go to work instead but hey you gotta pay your foods and rent so you're going to work and you hate it so hard because, well, admit it, you prefer making a demo about the weather.
genre, and this time I'm being a serious whore, ballad and glitches, from post-chip (you saw it coming) to some kind of neglected electro/electronic music. Add a bit of doom too, probably.
Some nice darkpsy mix: http://music.djaladdin.se/zip/meiramix002.zip
Forgot the piccy:

http://4mat.bandcamp.com/ all album up as pay what you want i sended 3 dollars :D
Let me promote Jakim :)

Electronic Thoughts

Signs From Other Worlds
From abient electronica to epic orchestral.

Bleep Or Not To Bleep
And some jazzy chip :)

Electronic Thoughts

Signs From Other Worlds
From abient electronica to epic orchestral.

Bleep Or Not To Bleep
And some jazzy chip :)