
farbrausch demo tools open source

category: code [glöplog]
Were your 1-char variable names still in Spanish?
added on the 2012-04-19 14:45:18 by decipher decipher
bool s = (¡t && ¡a) ¿ (ñ > 0.f) : false;
added on the 2012-04-19 15:32:42 by Preacher Preacher
Decipher: indeed, they were.

I might have been tempted to use "ñ", to be genuinely spanish, but I cant remember to have even tried. Now I am curious to see if the compiler/assemblre chokes on a non low-ascii variable name. :)
Also I had the "ç" alternative, which although not actually spanish, is an actual letter on my mother tongue (catalan), and has a dedicated key on any "es" keyboard.
added on the 2012-04-19 15:54:25 by n0der n0der
Look at that, irb handle them quite well:
irb(main):001:0> ñ="spanish"
=> "spanish"
irb(main):002:0> ñ
=> "spanish"
irb(main):003:0> ç="catalan"
=> "catalan"
irb(main):004:0> ñ+ç
=> "spanishcatalan"
added on the 2012-04-19 15:57:48 by n0der n0der
I think Java can do that too, but that doesnt make it a good thing :D
added on the 2012-04-19 16:16:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
ç is also in Portuguese.
Javascript, too:
Code:var π = Math.PI;
added on the 2012-04-19 16:21:49 by gasman gasman
I suddenly feel that much more motivated to learn C++, so I can write really bad C++ in really bad colloquial French. : D
You could redefine all the standard functions in your own language too for added fun - especially if you have several coders from different countries doing this in different languages in the same project :)
added on the 2012-04-19 16:42:51 by psonice psonice
Breaking news: Farbrausch source code release causes renaissance of Visual Basic for Applications.
added on the 2012-04-19 16:45:13 by kb_ kb_
Visual COBOL Enterprise Edition.
added on the 2012-04-19 16:55:41 by ryg ryg
i heard the chinese code c++ backwards...
added on the 2012-04-19 17:23:28 by el mal el mal
Have neither seen or heard of VBA in _decades_. ;) (please don't bring up forth.)
added on the 2012-04-19 17:25:03 by tomaes tomaes
Whoa! Tons of thanks for releasing the best demo tools ever!
Two little problems however...
1. WZ3 Demo player says Fatal Error 'Unknown operator class f00 in class list' and shuts down on OK when I try to play any kx file (including the debris.kx from Data dir).

2. Error while compiling Genthree. VC stops here: genthree.rc(11): fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'. The file seems missing indeed...

I used VC++ 2010 Express plus the latest yasm 32. Maybe a hint how to fix these problems?
Thank you.
1. Will look at this when I'm home...
2. afxres.h is part of MFC which (IIRC) doesn't ship with VC Express. Now we don't actually use MFC, but the VC++ resource editor always adds that line anyway. Try replacing "afxres.h" with "winresrc.h" which is part of the Platform SDK and should contain all the #defines actually needed to compile genthree.rc. If that works, tell me (I don't have VC++ Express installed anywhere!) and I'll fix it upstream.
added on the 2012-04-19 22:57:27 by ryg ryg
1. Please do. Maybe it's just me with VC ++ Express? :-)
2. Holy sh..t! It worked! I replaced the reference to afxres.h by winresrc.h in genthree.rc and ta-da!!! Flawless build! Awsome! Thanks again, man!

PS People might be interested that I have compiled WZ build 426 with VC++ 2010 Express and yasm too. The build is not flawless but it works and runs your included demo datafiles from start to end. No crashes so far...
yeah thx for the "pusher" and throwing the "yasm" keyword @skinny. made me just reboot a fresh build and - how convenient - got it to compile too. can't remember how i borked my first build into that mess it was. guess i screwed up. but works now and as you said runs omst just fine intool. as long as the memory is up. quite a hog tho. cool too to really see the 4gb in use now.

now for some FRiday fun. :D
added on the 2012-04-20 04:11:21 by yumeji yumeji
yumeji: you can adjust the size reserved to certain memory pools in the editor settings. i recommend reserving around 192mb for textures and at least 512mb for meshes if you want to edit debris fluently.
added on the 2012-04-20 04:49:27 by ryg ryg
i know... i'm not a complete newb to this. ;) but thx for the tip with the balance. does debris really eat more meshes than textures? yeah well... logically it'd be the cubes or mult houses right? and i know the shadow volumes eat some. but...

if you can spill some on how to make the kkrieger base a small flex game client just let it pop.

anyway i'd go with my free modding ideas first. i'll see how far i get. 11er tess mod is set. :)

right here a BIG thanks for the code base to play with. i (lame grapher) really appreciate. *bows* else i'd do it ®source.
added on the 2012-04-20 05:07:34 by yumeji yumeji
actual space in the runtime is a few hundred megabytes total, but that's measuring a very different thing: it's images and vertex buffers allocated by d3d, the GenBitmap and GenMesh objects are all gone by the time the demo runs.

editor is a different story. to edit scenes you want the source data of all meshes around (in case you want to rearrange stuff), and if you don't allocate a large enough cache you'll get plenty of pauses where werkkzeug3 gives you the progress bar and starts to recalculate stuff it has thrown away to save memory. still works, but it's annoying to deal with.

wz3 in general is designed to use lots of memory for caching to reduce the amount of recalculating it has to do. memory is cheap, but pauses break your workflow :)
added on the 2012-04-20 05:17:37 by ryg ryg
skinnytorus: nope, it's just that it was compiled to have the data file linked in - only there wasn't any data linked in. :)

also, the .kx files from the repo were using a stale format. re-export and it should work. see https://github.com/farbrausch/fr_public/commit/e89f9e2a319244a923d53fe520996a41b72cbbc2 for details of what i changed. (note this includes some unrelated cleanups)
added on the 2012-04-20 05:33:24 by ryg ryg
1. Just tried the new build. Another problem: Now the demo player says Fatal Error: need data file. How do I tie the kx file to the player? I'm aufully sorry for such a dumb question, but I'm not a programmer and can't 'see' through code;-))

2. Another stupid pipeline question. How do I render video? The Render Video File menu item does nothing. Kkapture the demo player playing a kx file? Fraps? Other ways possible?
Thank you.
1. The new player just takes a file name on the command line, and is configured for Debris (i.e. V2M soundtrack).

To switch music players: werkkzeug3/player_demo/demo_config.hpp - toggle sLINK_OGG and sLINK_VIRUZ2 as necessary (only one of them may be on, and sLINK_MP3, while present, does not work).

To link a particular data file in: werkkzeug3/player_demo/demo_data.asm - uncomment the "incbin" line for _DebugData, and include whichever .kx file you want to use. Then #define LINKEDIN to 1 in "mainplayer.cpp". All this is a bit of a hassle, hence I recommend you use the "filename on command line" version until you actually want to ship :)

2. Record Video should work, but it's a bit strange to use :)

Step 1: Show whatever you want to record (usually the "root" Op or some other Demo op)
Step 2: Make sure your .k file is saved somewhere. The video file will be created with the same base name, but .AVI appended.
Step 3: Click "Record Video". This should also show the log window.
Step 4: Press F5 to start playback. Let it run to completion. Videos will be recorded at 30fps (this is currently hardcoded and not configurable). You need to have the song length configured too.
Step 5: After all frames until song end are recorded, video recording will automatically stop and the video will be closed. You should now have an AVI file.

Or yeah, alternatively, screw all that and just use kkapture on the player :)
added on the 2012-04-21 00:01:20 by ryg ryg
