
Move to Evoke 2009!

category: general [glöplog]
= NaN
added on the 2009-08-03 21:58:21 by el mal el mal
Zvokz 2009 was definitely one of the best parties I've ever visited! Great location, great professional organizing, great people, awesome concert from ctrix... Almost everything was as good as it can get :)

Really the only thing I want to complain about is the slow network connection which caused me some hassle when I was trying to upload some Finnish entries. But I'm sure you will improve it next year :)
added on the 2009-08-03 22:50:32 by dairos dairos
My first party was just great. The location is awesome, I hope you will keep it for next year ! Thanks a lot organizers, you really did a very good job !

added on the 2009-08-03 23:31:57 by MsK` MsK`
this is what havoc had to say about the new location...

BB Image
added on the 2009-08-03 23:59:14 by el mal el mal
ooh.. my car my it to pouet .. !
does that count as an entry.. ?
giving the make, it probably won't
qualify for a "wild" entry though
added on the 2009-08-04 00:08:37 by freigeist freigeist
The party had everything it took to be fucking awesome, and if it wasn't because I was severely over-travelled I'd have given the boozing 110% of what it deserved.

I had some of the best sleep ever on top of one of the half-pipes, and the location was fantastic. The fatboys were a great place to rest, too!
@Graga: you just being there increased party awesome factor by +Graga amount!
added on the 2009-08-04 00:41:03 by m0d m0d
Thank you very much, I enjoyed you and Silver P--Lance's presence very much too!
m0d: Thanks for all the footage things, it seriously rocks.
Thank you Evoke, you made me have a fucking awesome weekend.
Thanks to all of you.
added on the 2009-08-04 00:53:13 by iks iks
Thanks to the organisers for organising a really professional, smooth flowing party.
Thanks to pandur for taking care of us and putting us up for the night at his nice place.
Thanks to irokos for letting me use his chair for a bit. I think you were too busy boozing outside to worry about it!
Thanks to thec for driving the painstakingly long journey. You rule!
Thanks to m0d and SilverLance for being the kind people they are. You pair are stars!
Thanks to topy for the excellent compo on that machine I've never even heard of.
Thanks to saga_musix for being saga_musix. Nice to finally meet you!
Thanks to EVERYONE for one of the best weekends I've had in many years!

I'm bored of being at home already. Roll on Evoke '10!
added on the 2009-08-04 01:25:47 by mdx mdx
visa: concidering a ~2-300 people party I actually think the internet connection was really good. especially if you think about that they crammed the dtv stream in there somewhere :-)
added on the 2009-08-04 01:48:08 by thec thec
Ahahahahahah omg dicks!
added on the 2009-08-04 03:11:06 by m0d m0d
Evoke was great. For sure to see you again next year.
added on the 2009-08-04 10:52:38 by jazz jazz
what a party !

+ PA system and projector. Free computers for those who didn't bring one.
+ Top orgas. Thanks for all the help when I was running around like a mad chicken :-)
+ Excellent facilities, clean showers, maps, earbuds, sleeping bags, they thought of everything.
+ Bbq ! big clock on the wall !

Greetings to all of you that I met, I had a great time.
added on the 2009-08-04 10:54:17 by Navis Navis
great party, great people!
added on the 2009-08-04 12:25:37 by insane insane
Evoke 2009 PC ANSI / ASCII Compo Video

Edited from 16 minutes to 9 to fit on YouTube. Mostly blank screens removed and prolonged slide displays clipped down, and a few very slow scrolling ANSI displays sped up by about 20%
added on the 2009-08-04 13:22:16 by m0d m0d
btw, what was the short film with the cat and the mouse that was shown just before prizegiving started called?
I love you m0d, you made my day. Thanks!
added on the 2009-08-04 15:53:06 by iks iks
Oh and what Saga Musix said.
Saga Musix, i haven't met you, we have to share a beer next time =]
added on the 2009-08-04 15:53:38 by iks iks
yes, there were a few people that i missed :(
get a room
added on the 2009-08-04 15:58:14 by el mal el mal
http://www.vimeo.com/3388129 - 'A troubled relationship between a Cat and Mouse set in the distant Future. Winner of the Golden Bear for best short film at the 2009 Berlinale.'
added on the 2009-08-04 16:04:14 by pandur pandur
that cat&mouse thing was quite nice WTF material during the waiting of prizegiving. :)
added on the 2009-08-04 17:38:09 by nosfe nosfe
it's the same guy who made the Octocat videos :)
added on the 2009-08-04 17:38:34 by Gargaj Gargaj
