
Stream Ten

category: parties [glöplog]

Nuff said.

... more info & dates coming after about 2 weeks (middle of march)

Is the eagle gonna land once more?
added on the 2014-02-27 15:26:22 by mikron mikron
so much funnay!
added on the 2014-02-27 15:40:31 by gr gr
10/10 news
added on the 2014-02-27 16:58:48 by noby noby
added on the 2014-02-27 17:16:42 by xTr1m xTr1m
Eagle never landed at Stream party for me. It was all just low level flying! :)
+infinite to this
added on the 2014-02-27 20:55:31 by leGend leGend
Of course I'll be there after a year off streaming!
added on the 2014-02-27 22:25:59 by visy visy
Very good news, Sir!
added on the 2014-02-27 23:28:02 by draoan draoan
I like where this is going
added on the 2014-02-28 00:06:03 by Haohmaru Haohmaru
Most likely in visit list, of course
added on the 2014-02-28 06:46:50 by Serpent Serpent

16.-18.5 2014.

Location is same Golf Arena as usual, Tampere, Finland
added on the 2014-03-18 11:22:39 by mikron mikron
Stream Ten partybus from Helsinki and back

added on the 2014-03-18 11:43:50 by mikron mikron
If you ever gonna attend to Streamparty NOW IT'S YOUR LAST(!) CHANGE!
added on the 2014-03-18 15:10:52 by gr gr
Sounds like very realistic party to visit.
added on the 2014-03-18 17:30:09 by shadez shadez
Party website is updated with all the information you will need: http://www.streamparty.org/

added on the 2014-04-07 19:52:52 by annieeee annieeee
1432|24/04| < lemming_I> rotor highway to hell, where the toll is your soul!
1432|24/04| <@ROTOR> lemming_I: Highway to hell, where the toll is your golf daddy indoor center tampereen golfhalli.
added on the 2014-04-24 13:31:08 by leGend leGend
I'm not gonna make it fellas :( Planning is just too goddamn tight. I promise to make it up by going to Finland at one point and hopefully visiting both Helsinki and Tampere!
added on the 2014-04-24 13:36:33 by okkie okkie
can't make it this year either :(
added on the 2014-04-24 15:13:26 by psenough psenough
Okkiemeister you will be missed. and you felipe!
added on the 2014-04-26 15:48:32 by h7 h7
Registration now open. Go go go!
added on the 2014-05-04 14:21:31 by leGend leGend
13 days to go!
added on the 2014-05-04 14:38:43 by gr gr
bus #2 has one final slot available.

added on the 2014-05-06 12:10:45 by T-101 T-101
Damnit I wish I'd get an invit ASAP :<

Someone please:
[email protected]
added on the 2014-05-07 15:25:54 by luutifa luutifa
I remember that Mikron promised naked girls in the sauna!
added on the 2014-05-07 16:57:08 by rez rez
I got an invitation now.
Thanks for the person who sent it :)
added on the 2014-05-07 17:44:27 by luutifa luutifa
