pouet - new platforms
category: general [glöplog]
So I finally cave to the pressure and will add new platforms to Pouet.
First let me explain why I didn't so far: This might sound like a soapbox argument, but I think too many platforms fragment the database; a lot of the platforms suggested will never reach more than 5-10 prods, but it'll eventually become rather complicated to organize and/or search products - in that respect, I'd honestly feel that separating e.g. MSDOS and MSDOS/GUS was not a good idea. But at the same time, well, my idea of a database integrity got buttfucked somewhere down the line anyway, so I'll concede.
I'm adding Android and mIRC now as platforms, and you can make your suggestions below, but here's a few pointers:
1. Don't bother suggesting unless you have an icon for it. Seriously. Pull your weight.
2. Don't suggest a platform that is largely equivalent to another, existing one, e.g. just because a demo needs IDE64 or GUS or an NVIDIA card.
3. Be reasonable if a platform has a low life expectancy or is a platform that's obscure and/or not manufactured anymore. I mean it's awesome that we have THREE demos for the Lynx, but I wouldn't bet on that changing drastically anytime soon.
4. Existing prods are a good argument.
Other than that, suggest away.
(For good measure, here's a stat of the current available platforms.)
First let me explain why I didn't so far: This might sound like a soapbox argument, but I think too many platforms fragment the database; a lot of the platforms suggested will never reach more than 5-10 prods, but it'll eventually become rather complicated to organize and/or search products - in that respect, I'd honestly feel that separating e.g. MSDOS and MSDOS/GUS was not a good idea. But at the same time, well, my idea of a database integrity got buttfucked somewhere down the line anyway, so I'll concede.
I'm adding Android and mIRC now as platforms, and you can make your suggestions below, but here's a few pointers:
1. Don't bother suggesting unless you have an icon for it. Seriously. Pull your weight.
2. Don't suggest a platform that is largely equivalent to another, existing one, e.g. just because a demo needs IDE64 or GUS or an NVIDIA card.
3. Be reasonable if a platform has a low life expectancy or is a platform that's obscure and/or not manufactured anymore. I mean it's awesome that we have THREE demos for the Lynx, but I wouldn't bet on that changing drastically anytime soon.
4. Existing prods are a good argument.
Other than that, suggest away.
(For good measure, here's a stat of the current available platforms.)
ofcourse this wouldnt be a hassle anymore if you'd open source the damn thing already as requested 500 times before.
Sure it would be, opensourcing doesn't give you access to the db.
just a little suggestion: would it be possible to rename the iPod platform to iOS ?
I'd suggest the c128, if only for this. I'm positive that there are a bunch of other, smaller demos on csdb etc. As for icons: Just slightly re-color the c64 one. ;) I'll do it tomorrow, if you consider adding it.
I suggest »Animation«, as there have to be fairly amount of them on pouet.
I'm adding Android and mIRC now as platforms

I suggest "Sharp MZ", which would cover both MZ-700 and MZ-800, and perhaps the newer weirdo models if anything was ever done for them. There's three prods already:


as there is a crazy run on the raspberry pi platform and there also have been some releases (2 i think?) i suggest to add it as a platform.

(hey, feel free to do a better one ;)

(hey, feel free to do a better one ;)
I suggest "ALcohol" is made a cathegory!
i suggest Commodore PET as a platform
I suggest you read the first fucking post.
wysiwtf: here I felt free:

I'm kinda proud of how it turned out :)

I'm kinda proud of how it turned out :)
Also I would be inclined to suggest Pandora as a new category, but I'll refrain to do so until I make an actual demo on it :)
but in case we ever need one, here's the icon :D

but in case we ever need one, here's the icon :D

c128 icon:

based on the c64 one, which looks like this:

based on the c64 one, which looks like this:

I really wish it was centered, right now it looks bad. Oh, and it's too big, same with Pandora icon.
And aren't both Raspberry and Pandora pretty much an ARM Linux? If so, they would rather have to wait for tagging system (or Linux/ARM platform).
i suggest vector-06c
list of demos here
not gonna waste my time on doing a logo until it's approved tho, been down that road of frustration before and won't do it again
list of demos here
not gonna waste my time on doing a logo until it's approved tho, been down that road of frustration before and won't do it again
Cool Gargaj. I can understand what you're saying about fragmentation.
Right now the problem is that information is actually missing/lost. There is no easy way to search for a demo that will e.g. run on an android phone.
It might have been better to have sort of "tags" with a platform aka DOS (+ GUS), or Mobile (+ Android) or whatever, but that's probably pouet 2.0...
About the Raspberry Pi: To me this is Linux. No new features, no specialities that make it a new platform... IF someone established a special distribution/framework or would do bare-metal coding for it, ok, agreed new platform, but as of now, no.
...off to try to paint an Android logo now...
Right now the problem is that information is actually missing/lost. There is no easy way to search for a demo that will e.g. run on an android phone.
It might have been better to have sort of "tags" with a platform aka DOS (+ GUS), or Mobile (+ Android) or whatever, but that's probably pouet 2.0...
About the Raspberry Pi: To me this is Linux. No new features, no specialities that make it a new platform... IF someone established a special distribution/framework or would do bare-metal coding for it, ok, agreed new platform, but as of now, no.
...off to try to paint an Android logo now...
Err, there IS already an android icon (nr. 77 on the stats table linked in the first post). Unless you meant to say "big pouet logo", then disregard this message. :)
+1 for adding C128 - would give me a good reason to flesh out some of my stuff as well ;)
Sooo, who's going to paint all the glossy iOS-style icons for Pouet 2.0? ;)
:/ ok. anyway...


and with black eyes.


[quote]About the Raspberry Pi: To me this is Linux. No new features, no specialities that make it a new platform[quote]
True, but the point is it's a FIXED platform. Besides, there's talk of bootsector demos and bypassing the OS entirely. Add the hardware, not the OS.
True, but the point is it's a FIXED platform. Besides, there's talk of bootsector demos and bypassing the OS entirely. Add the hardware, not the OS.
raer: isnt android basically linux on ARM, just with a javaesque framework on top? ;)
the reason why i think the raspi deserves its own platform is that its a fixed hardware/environment and as thus comparable.
Also if the success of that thing keeps on rolling im pretty sure people will start to develop own frameworks or code the hardware directly.
the reason why i think the raspi deserves its own platform is that its a fixed hardware/environment and as thus comparable.
Also if the success of that thing keeps on rolling im pretty sure people will start to develop own frameworks or code the hardware directly.