
Make music with p01's Speech Synth

category: offtopic [glöplog]

My attempt:


I'm sure you, musicians, could do it much better!
added on the 2012-03-16 11:03:08 by texel texel
no worky worky in safari / osx lion, but works in chrooome.
added on the 2012-03-16 11:32:05 by booster booster
good job texel, btw - interesting tune :D
added on the 2012-03-16 11:33:09 by booster booster
added on the 2012-03-16 11:52:53 by raer raer

what a waste of time.
added on the 2012-03-16 11:56:30 by ferris ferris
added on the 2012-03-16 12:06:25 by Zplex Zplex
ferris: that's actually not too bad :)
added on the 2012-03-16 13:08:24 by gloom gloom
crashes firefox 11 here after a while but works fine on chrome
added on the 2012-03-16 13:10:36 by Defiance Defiance
Gloom: the trick is just to try to write in finnish.
added on the 2012-03-16 14:37:47 by ferris ferris
the attempt reminds me of http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=5779 however sadly they changed their website around so the urls wont work anymore
added on the 2012-03-16 15:03:02 by el mal el mal
also, here's my attempt:
wopwopwopwopwopwop i am skrillex wop wop wopwopwopwop woooopwopwopwopwwwoopopopwopwwwopwop
added on the 2012-03-16 15:04:25 by el mal el mal
added on the 2012-03-16 16:38:35 by Adok Adok
Maali: FLAWLESS cover!! :D
added on the 2012-03-16 16:54:33 by ferris ferris
hey, its as good a time waster as online scrabble! : D





tzk...o. tskk.... tzk...o. tskk.....tzki..o. tskk.....tzkoi.o. tskk.....

hey cool idea :D (especially for people that dont have a mouth)
added on the 2012-03-16 20:21:28 by gentleman gentleman
Elektro beats?

added on the 2012-03-16 21:02:49 by el-bee el-bee
generic spelling. :) what languageis that thing good for btw?

added on the 2012-03-16 21:14:37 by yumeji yumeji
ferris: yeah 1:1 innit? especially the lyrics ;))
added on the 2012-03-16 21:41:35 by el mal el mal
the cheapest drumloop ever. XD

added on the 2012-03-16 21:44:29 by yumeji yumeji
wopwopwopwopwopwop i am skrillex wop wop wopwopwopwop woooopwopwopwopwwwoopopopwopwwwopwop!
added on the 2012-03-16 23:16:53 by Tolle Tolle
Unfortunately, most of those sound like a very stoned Rolf Harris ;)
added on the 2012-03-17 00:43:37 by raizor raizor

Well done! How come I never thought of making beats and tunes when I worked on this speech synth.

JS1k Speech Synthesizer is basically an uber optimized and butchered version of Tiny Speech Synth

I wonder if I can squeeze a few bytes to use the fragment URL to feed the input field and share "tunes"

added on the 2012-03-17 04:56:52 by p01 p01
can you make this multichannel?
added on the 2012-03-17 05:53:15 by gentleman gentleman
o s b o s b t t o s b o s b t t a s b a s b t t a s b a s b t t o s b o s b t t o s b o s b t t a s b a s b t t a s b a s b t t
added on the 2012-03-17 12:54:56 by dirtie dirtie
