tUM*o3 - the Ultimate Meeting 2oo3
category: general [glöplog]
Welcome to the official tUM*o3 thread
This time the party is going to take place in Hemsbach (south germany), not far from Mannheim where tUM*o2 happened. The entrance fee will be 25,- EUR. Girls get in for free. Just as last year we offer an reduced entrance fee of 20,- EUR for people travelling very long distances to visit tUM. Bust for that you must contact us in advance!
Here the main features we can offer you so far:
- Nice, warm and cozy location with space for about 300 visitors
- Enough free parking lots close by
- Plenty of real demoscene competitions for c64, pc and console
- Big screen with high quality beamer and decent audio equipment
- Enough AC for everyone
- Rudimentary party network
- Pure scene feeling: NO GAMERS/LEECHERS!
- Hotel with special discount directly at the partyplace
- Cheap food and drinks at the partyplace and nearby.
- tUP: the Ultimate Pizzawave (last year's visitors might remember it ;-)
- Plus a lot more like: stylish party t-shirts, funcompos...
Check http://www.tum-home.de for more information.
This time the party is going to take place in Hemsbach (south germany), not far from Mannheim where tUM*o2 happened. The entrance fee will be 25,- EUR. Girls get in for free. Just as last year we offer an reduced entrance fee of 20,- EUR for people travelling very long distances to visit tUM. Bust for that you must contact us in advance!
Here the main features we can offer you so far:
- Nice, warm and cozy location with space for about 300 visitors
- Enough free parking lots close by
- Plenty of real demoscene competitions for c64, pc and console
- Big screen with high quality beamer and decent audio equipment
- Enough AC for everyone
- Rudimentary party network
- Pure scene feeling: NO GAMERS/LEECHERS!
- Hotel with special discount directly at the partyplace
- Cheap food and drinks at the partyplace and nearby.
- tUP: the Ultimate Pizzawave (last year's visitors might remember it ;-)
- Plus a lot more like: stylish party t-shirts, funcompos...
Check http://www.tum-home.de for more information.
way to go. i hope it will rock like last year.
btw, in case any of the visitors are interested in inexpensive but quality pairs of earplugs for the night, contact me, so i can bring them along.
btw, in case any of the visitors are interested in inexpensive but quality pairs of earplugs for the night, contact me, so i can bring them along.
Fzool, the ultimate marketing-manager. :)
Yeah, tUM rocked last year, sure we go!
Yeah, tUM rocked last year, sure we go!
Can you also organise food for Vegan / Veggi people? :D
@dalezy: I'll take a pair of those earplugs. I can still remember too well how die wissenden kept me awake last year by playing happy hardcore at my table all the time.
check also the IRC Channel: #tum
mizc, ok, will write that down. =)
for the other people that are interested as well, i'll take 50cent a pair (that's 1,50€ less than in the german stores =), tho i normally get them off for 80c - the best way to tell me is to write a short note to [email protected] ..
for the other people that are interested as well, i'll take 50cent a pair (that's 1,50€ less than in the german stores =), tho i normally get them off for 80c - the best way to tell me is to write a short note to [email protected] ..
wenn jemand schnarchen sollte, werde ich ihn zusammentreten... so wie den jihad letztes jahr !!!
i'll be there!!
okkie! Haal je ons op? =)
Yeah, I want veggie food too!
will deliver wedgies for food too.
tmb, don't forget the inländer.
On which network is #tum?
freeze: Try ircnet and be enlighted ;)
Oh thx. :)
Yeah, we got an invitation intro for the C64 ready. It was done by Britelite^Dekadence, Heinmukk^Salva Mea and Fzool^Salva Mea^Sds.

Check it out now!
For the latest news Http://www.tum-home.de

Check it out now!
For the latest news Http://www.tum-home.de
humm nice one
dalezy, check out: http://www.inode.at/reebok/pepsi/ *rotfl* cant come this year to TUM, iam in berlin at that time ;)
Compo-PC specifikation:
- Pentium 4, 2.54 GHz
- 512mb RAM
- GForce FX 5600
- Pentium 4, 2.54 GHz
- 512mb RAM
- GForce FX 5600