
germans are the brainiest

category: residue [glöplog]

<daXX_afk> das ist eh alles was ihr so called "demoscener" könnt :D ansonsten nur hart iv oder studenten und bei mutti wohnen xD

am-fm arbeitslos und spass dabei und sido hören

daXX sex ab 70 rockt doch... frau macht hantstand und opa lässt "ihn" reinhängen.
<-- sobec^sd has kicked daXX from #demo.ger (geh weiter.)
sobec^sd SOWAS!
sobec^sd am fruehen morgen! ;)
dang`r`us :D

daXX ich kann mich nicht in die soziale welt der jungen hüpfer hineinversetzen :((

Ford_Prefect las geh einfach hin und stell so lange dumme fragen bis dich alle hassen
daXX is das nicht bereits so ? xD
* las` sets ban on *!*@e176153031.adsl.alicedsl.de
<-- las` has kicked daXX from #demo.ger (niemand hat dich lieb)
sobec^sd anstrengend.

wayfinder ravebusters waren schon lamer, da hat las noch als joghurt im schaufenster gestanden

[daxx] stimmt .. 1gb reicht wenn man immer nur lankweilige 4k demos baut :)
cyraxx_ daxx, was für demos baust du denn so?
groepaz langweilige 100mb demos?
_2b hrhr ;)
[daxx] fast :D
[daxx] 101 MB :)
dang`r`us http://www.fukung.net/v/4509/Raar.gif
dang`r`us ddo
cyraxx_ haha
[daxx] aber erlich gesagt.... ich bau garkeine demos.. weil das lohnt sich ja eh nicht :)
cyraxx_ ach, wer hätte das gedacht!
[daxx] die demoscene hate schon ihre helden :)
[daxx] so bin ma futtern
sobec|sd0r http://www.fukung.net/v/2885/stop_motion3.gif
[daxx] frohes babbeln noch...
groepaz dang`r`us: das ist doch unrealistisch!
dang`r`us endlich
* [daxx] is now known as daXX_afk
cyraxx_ http://www.fukung.net/v/5941/INFINITE.gif
cyraxx_ das ist mal gut
daXX_afk btw... vielleicht solte man die demoscene in "postuglypicturesandidleinirc szene" umbenennen ;)
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked daXX_afk from #demo.ger (oder in ohnedaxx szene)
cyraxx_ SPACK.

[daxx] gibt es eigentlich noch coder in der demoscene die aufm AMIGA coden können ? :)
cyraxx_ reichlich.
[daxx] naja... also ich meine a500 kompatibler stuff.. nich dieser neumodische amiga kram. :)
dang`r`us [daxx], warum fragste?
cyraxx_ weil er SO oldschool ist!
dang`r`us ah

daXX genau...
daXX weil
daXX demoscene = aussenseiter
daXX also willkommen im club

daXX terminator 4
daXX rockt :)
* las` sets ban on *!*@p50814808.dip.t-dialin.net
<-- las` has kicked am-fm from #demo.ger (the reason is obvious)
* las` sets ban on *!*@e176171004.adsl.alicedsl.de

las` ich denke dass der durchschnitt so bei x>=23 liegt
am-fm join #sandkasten

* daXX is now known as laxx
* laxx is now known as hass
* hass is now known as asshole
* asshole is now known as axy
<-- manx has kicked axy from #demo.ger (kindergarten)
<-- las` has kicked aaaaaaaam-fm from #demo.ger (no reason)

daXX Dr.Sommer weis noch heute wo man seine Wurst reinstecken muss und wo nicht :)
am-fm dann musst schnell job schmeisen und aggroberlin cdas kaufen und zum frühstück 20 bier saufm :D

DrHartz4 nabend
DrHartz4 braucht jemand geld?
<-- [AMI] has kicked am-fm^trs from #demo.ger (-trs +trbs)
* manx gives channel operator status to ryg
cyraxx_ ryg: spaceballs and tbl
--> daXX^BF ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- MadenMann has kicked DrHartz4 from #demo.ger (persona non grata)

<-- MadenMann has kicked [daXX] from #demo.ger (manx bekommt keine ab - deinetwegen)

<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (und ich bin sein schwuler lover!)
las` schöner ident
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (ich kicke gern!)
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (also mir macht das spaß!)
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (und dir?)
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
am-fm_ jo ist cool :D
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (ich könnts den ganzen abend so machen!)
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- GyrosGeier has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (darf ich auch mal)
--> am-fm_ ([email protected]) has joined #demo.ger
<-- cyraxx_ has kicked am-fm_ from #demo.ger (jeder darf mal ran)
* cyraxx_ sets ban on *!*@p50814CAA.dip.t-dialin.net

* daXX is now known as laxx
* laxx is now known as hass
* hass is now known as asshole
* asshole is now known as axy
<-- manx has kicked axy from #demo.ger (kindergarten)
<-- las` has kicked aaaaaaaam-fm from #demo.ger (no reason)
added on the 2007-10-07 14:40:23 by arm arm
we removed them, and?
added on the 2007-10-07 15:51:26 by las las
gigaverdammte arschsaftopfer mit spitzentoete totdinge im hundloch
added on the 2007-10-07 17:53:04 by forestcre forestcre
i don't get it. what's the problem?
added on the 2007-10-07 18:28:46 by skrebbel skrebbel
uhm.. interesting that toni (enrico) is an account of am-fm... i remember an old war... hmmm
added on the 2007-10-07 18:40:38 by .. ..
skrebbel: german kids are flamefesting each other with fake accounts. yet again. yesterday they poluted pouet.net with their shit, aparently they were doing more complaining bullshit at #german.de. and today they all got more permbans on pouet following this and teis thread.

seriously people: we couldnt care less if you're throwing kaka at each other, do it by email instead of polluting public places. this is a place for watching and discussing prods, not kiddie shitthrowing competitions.
added on the 2007-10-07 19:09:51 by psenough psenough
aha, arm ist also einer von demo.ger... :S

jedenfalls mal ein paar wörter zum abschulss:

ist euch aufgefallen, das sich ca. 5 min.nach meiner flamerei sich ca. 10 andere
fake accounts angemeldet haben?? ich sag nur mal "$23,99" oder "waXX^Raverippers" o.a.... wer das ist, oder sein mag ist mir latte...

feiert euch weiterhin selber, ich scheiss auf demoscene...
jetzt ist erstmal real life dran....

end of file

ex - am-fm
added on the 2007-10-07 19:28:09 by trashcan trashcan
ps, i'm wondering if they think using fifty fake accounts makes the flame more interesting. i presume these gentlemen have some very scary form of autism to deal with? i guess that at least in someone's dreamy little world all of this has to make sense..
added on the 2007-10-07 19:37:35 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel: they're all fucked up in the heads. i just wonder why the fuck does this always end up with someone threatning me online to reveal their flamers fakeaccount owners id when they already know who each other are.
eitherway, tempbans for all, hope that'll clue them in enough to fuck off from pouet, i really was hoping to enjoy my lazy sunday video instead of implementing ip bans on sceneid. fucking germans stuck in puberty.
added on the 2007-10-07 19:42:34 by psenough psenough
hey filipe..

you could've atleast tell who this pedophile fuck was, telling around he'd fuck the kids of sceners to death. i mean, i don't like something like that.

you better do something!
added on the 2007-10-07 19:57:35 by tEiS tEiS
teis: who the hell takes such bullshit threats seriously mate? if daxx is old enough to have kids he should know better then feeding annonymous trolls on the internet.

i cant reveal account informations, its not a personal decision, its the privacy law in holland. and quite frankly i dont appreciate any kind of threats made to push me into breaking a privacy law which i simply unbiasedly and forthwilling to assist informed him about.

im not taking sides, and i dont care about the drama involved. im simply closing this soap opera on pouet by banning all accounts involved in fueling it.

you're a good mate of mine teis but if you insist on this issue you aswell will get tempban'd. pouet is not a battle ground for this kind of kiddie bullshit, i dont want to waste more time banning yet some more fake accounts. the message is quite clear: take this shit somewhere else. we will not fuel it or assist any sides.
added on the 2007-10-07 20:07:47 by psenough psenough
ps: I prefer to call this wannabe-oldschool-lamers, and they aren't all german - keep in mind, tmb is from austria, for example ;)

Anyway, a list of all people involved (as far as this is known) would be welcomed (possibly through alternative channels) to enforce removal of those subjects on other scene resources, too.
added on the 2007-10-07 20:11:43 by scamp scamp
(people as in "scene handles, not personal info")
added on the 2007-10-07 20:12:53 by scamp scamp
scamp: i remember alien/antitrax warned me about a bunch of suspicious accounts on pouet from these "people" who had been causing shit on bitfellas. i gave the users the benefit of the doubt and did nothing, guess how many of them were involved in yesterdays bullshit? -_-

seriously, dont these people have better things to do with their life?
added on the 2007-10-07 20:19:42 by psenough psenough
added on the 2007-10-07 20:24:59 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
ps: .. well ofcourse one shouldn't overreact. but still, it's absolutly harsh to pull something off like that, don't you think. i am not ehm .. fuiling trolls or whatever you call it ;) .. i ain't trying to get more flamers or whatever. i actually ignore the most crap. but still, as scamp recommened. a list of the peops would be good, to get rid of them once and for all.

anyways, no need to tempban me, mate.. i ain't one of those. i aint flaming them back or whatsoever.. it's just abit frustrating, though.
added on the 2007-10-07 20:26:52 by tEiS tEiS
Most of the people inside that trsi/tristar/scoopex/s!p crowd (I usually call them "ghettosceners") once were more-or-less-active in the scene, back when the scene itself was much less mature. Many of them lost contact with the scene for a decade or longer. And while the rest of the scene evolved (the times of groups being in war with each other and announcing that through Fidonet or BBSes are over, as are hierarchic group structures ), they haven't. During the last years several of those have found back to the scene's communication channels - but they appear to feel entirely lost in the scene the way it looks today. They are unable to match todays scene standards, they are not used to most sceners meeting several times a year face-to-face due to cheap travel costs etc. So no, I guess they don't have much other choice than fighting about oldschool groupnames and who is the "leader" of what....

There are a few exceptions, though - imho daxx for example indeed tried to re-enter the scene meeting todays standards. Instead of finding new partners to work with at some scene party, it appears to me he instead made contact with those wannabe-oldschool-ghettosceners instead.

I guess once retired sceners that try to re-enter the scene are at big risk of getting spoiled by that "oldschool"-crowd, which is quite a pity imho.
added on the 2007-10-07 20:36:39 by scamp scamp
i'll have to check with our legal advisor it its lawful to release any info before doing so. i think anything other than whats listed as public profile is illegal. im unsure if datamining information would also be (in this case correlating ip's with fake and real accounts)
added on the 2007-10-07 20:37:26 by psenough psenough
There are a few exceptions, though - imho daxx for example indeed tried to re-enter the scene meeting todays standards. Instead of finding new partners to work with at some scene party, it appears to me he instead made contact with those wannabe-oldschool-ghettosceners instead.

Don't make any false assumptions here, dear Scamp. That's all I have to say about that. :)
added on the 2007-10-07 20:41:01 by StingRay StingRay
Care to explain? [email protected]
added on the 2007-10-07 20:44:20 by scamp scamp
and i have to repeat it again, it seems, i did not have anything to do with this...

and ps, why dont you simply display the ip adresses of ppl who post on pouet, i am sure that would be as good as moderation...
added on the 2007-10-07 20:56:09 by elkmoose elkmoose
scamp: should I conclude I'm involved into this as I'm a S!P member?
added on the 2007-10-07 21:05:27 by druid druid
druid: I don't know you, have never met you at a party, don't know releases from you, so I don't have an opinion on your person.

I'm however very able to tell you that you are not a member of what the real scene used to know as "Suprise!Productions", a group that died over a decade ago. And I can advise you that if part of your goal is to earn respect in the scene, it's helpful not to be part of any of those wannabe-oldschool-groups the active scene is laughing about. It's much easier to earn grounds inside the scene if people don't start laughing once you mention which group you claim to be in ;)
added on the 2007-10-07 21:14:46 by scamp scamp

Most of the people inside that trsi/tristar/scoopex/s!p crowd (I usually call them "ghettosceners") once were more-or-less-active in the scene, back when the scene itself was much less mature. Many of them lost contact with the scene for a decade or longer. And while the rest of the scene evolved (the times of groups being in war with each other and announcing that through Fidonet or BBSes are over, as are hierarchic group structures ), they haven't. During the last years several of those have found back to the scene's communication channels - but they appear to feel entirely lost in the scene the way it looks today. They are unable to match todays scene standards, they are not used to most sceners meeting several times a year face-to-face due to cheap travel costs etc. So no, I guess they don't have much other choice than fighting about oldschool groupnames and who is the "leader" of what....

Scamp: I heard that you are full of shit but postings like this.. Wow. I have to admit you are my hero in Shitness...
added on the 2007-10-07 21:14:49 by ayatollah ayatollah
