
the Ultimate Meeting invites your girl friend to join the party. GROOVY, eh?

category: general [glöplog]
I bet in 15 years this will be seen as one of these magic moments in the history of the demoscene. You know, since 1991 there's one big event for the demoscene at the end of the year. Not only one or two time - every fucking year. And now - 15 years later - there's still one meeting to make you happy. It's not only the meeting, it's the Ultimate Meeting. *applause* Yeah baby, yeah! *even more applause*

Now let's get the facts straight, most of you had at least once in your liftetime a friend you'll never forget and most of you brought her to that party.

Who are the orgas that would risk their neck
For their brother man?
the tUM orgas
Can you dig it?

Yeah. Once again we're doing it unlike the usual multi media art festivals.
We ask you: Do you need a PPC turbo for your A*M*I*G*A?

Answer here:
BB Image

In other news: female sceners and remote entries (without remote prizes) are welcome too. And if you provide your non-PPC Macintosh running Vista, you are're welcome with a Vista demo.
Someone get this man off whatever, and PRONTO.
added on the 2006-11-14 23:37:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
Hell no! Peel the labels off the meds and see what grim irony might be unleashed on the unsuspecting people at TuM!
added on the 2006-11-14 23:43:03 by Shifter Shifter
by the way, you can take your hands down now.
added on the 2006-11-14 23:45:02 by Shifter Shifter
Dear Mr. Sir,


I am Dr. Bakare Tunde, the cousin of Nigerian Astronaut, Air Force Major Abacha Tunde. He was the first African in space when he made a secret flight to the Salyut 6 space station in 1979. He was on a later Soviet spaceflight, Soyuz T-16Z to the secret Soviet military space station Salyut 8T in 1989. He was stranded there in 1990 when the Soviet Union was dissolved. His other Soviet crew members returned to earth on the Soyuz T-16Z, but his place was taken up by return cargo. There have been occasional Progrez supply flights to keep him going since that time. He is in good humor, but wants to come home.

In the 14-years since he has been on the station, he has accumulated flight pay and interest amounting to almost $ 15,000,000 American Dollars. This is held in a trust at the Lagos National Savings and Trust Association. If we can obtain access to this money, we can place a down payment with the Russian Space Authorities for a Soyuz return flight to bring him back to Earth. I am told this will cost $ 3,000,000 American Dollars. In order to access the his trust fund we need your assistance.

Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount to your account or subsequent disbursement, since we as civil servants are prohibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau (Civil Service Laws) from opening and/ or operating foreign accounts in our names.

Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 20 percent of the transferred sum, while 10 percent shall be set aside for incidental expenses (internal and external) between the parties in the course of the transaction. You will be mandated to remit the balance 70 percent to other accounts in due course.

Kindly expedite action as we are behind schedule to enable us include downpayment in this financial quarter.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this message via my direct number 234 (0) 9-234-2220 only.

Yours Sincerely, Dr. Bakare Tunde
Astronautics Project Manager
[email protected]

added on the 2006-11-14 23:46:41 by Spin Spin
Does the information on the bottom right of that screenshot play any role here?
added on the 2006-11-15 00:35:23 by zoom zoom
...I wish I could unsee that.
added on the 2006-11-15 00:41:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
since when are PPC Amigas considered to be a girlfriend?
added on the 2006-11-15 00:47:08 by el mal el mal
I speak for ALL amiga users and true demosceners when i say we NEED PPC support!

Magic of Nah Kolor

For everyone: The 'other' magic is stefan of dxm not me!
added on the 2006-11-15 01:26:35 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
of course it is stefan.

coup de coeur:
mental excession by Deus Ex Machina
coup de coeur:
Al Castone by The Moose Brothers
coup de coeur:
Tinnitus by Deus Ex Machina
added on the 2006-11-15 11:20:49 by gloom gloom
Despite I registered some time ago, I won't come - I'll be working in the hospital.
added on the 2006-11-15 11:22:07 by Adok Adok
since when are PPC Amigas considered to be a girlfriend?

They both can rake up a pretty steep bill and very few people in the demoscene have one.
added on the 2006-11-15 11:49:15 by Shifter Shifter
real men demoparties are free for girls!
added on the 2006-11-15 15:07:00 by Zest Zest
real demoparty girls are free for men!
added on the 2006-11-15 16:15:21 by kb_ kb_
That must be the worst poll ever.
added on the 2006-11-15 19:10:55 by doomdoom doomdoom
Jesus Christ, they are using the term 'PC Lamer' ? o_O

That's it, even if I get days off, I'm not going to TuM.
added on the 2006-11-16 09:37:24 by okkie okkie
I thought you were an Xbox hero anyway.
even then i'm luckily still closer to 'PC lamer' than 'Amiga faggot'!
added on the 2006-11-16 10:56:38 by okkie okkie
After all, the Xbox is a PC, or something equivalent \o/
added on the 2006-11-16 18:43:34 by Shifter Shifter
Following your (ahem) logic about the xbox being a pc, that would make the Amigas either an Atari ST or a wanna-be Apple Macintosh. Have fun on the slow bus, retard.
I weep for irony lost.
added on the 2006-11-16 18:59:05 by Gargaj Gargaj
garg: Irony actually started within the first sentence. Find the hidden word that corresponds with Amiga: one of these magic moments.
Real men girls are free for demoparties!
added on the 2006-11-16 20:39:52 by ragnor ragnor
free demoparty girls are men, for real.
added on the 2006-11-16 22:37:13 by gasman gasman
