category: general [glöplog]
any vegetarians here? i'd like to count the number so for each of these people, i can buy 5 kilogrammes of meat to waste in our annual 'meat fight'. this way the vegetarians at obtain the exclusive privilege to waste enough meat to feed a regular family for a week, without eating, touching, let alone paying for it.
great idea, huh?
great idea, huh?
well, i remember you eating veggy-lasagne at my place... ;) we might make you another one soon`
oops, to hell with my consistency ;)
Not a vegetarian, but i've been accused of being a vegetable once or twice so does that count...?
I'm a vegetarian.
At least when they let me...
At least when they let me...
i tryed it for a month, just to see how it is... not that bad... aardbei, orange, mandarine, oreos...
but hey !
cevapcici & co. rule, so after a month i quit !
but hey !
cevapcici & co. rule, so after a month i quit !
hehe, being a veggie means eating demogroups?
isnt democoders meat? or?
isnt democoders meat? or?
man > cow
salads rule, but you need anti-fart pills
i like vegetarian food if it's good. still, mostly eating meat. meat is good. mmmmm.
187/pht and groenteboer/pht are veggies. poor chaps.
You're thinking I'm one of those wise-ass California vegetarians who is going to tell you that eating a few strips of bacon is bad for your health. I'm not. I say its a free country and you should be able to kill yourself at any rate you choose, as long as your cold dead body is not blocking my driveway.
--Scott Adams(writter of Dilbert)
--Scott Adams(writter of Dilbert)
that was not even a funny quote...
i mean, vegeterians are gay
i mean, vegeterians are gay
You only wish.
TEH MEATAETARS AER TEH REAL FAGORTS bla bla ... nah, I don't think that's even hip anymore
leftish pale treehugging veggies killed PIM FORTUIN!! De kogel kwam van links!
ja, die vieze paardenfluisteraar met z'n vruchtensapjes ;)

veggies rules! stop eating cow / it gives you
brain tumour! meat is murder / salad is for 13375!
brain tumour! meat is murder / salad is for 13375!

i'm vegetarian, mostly vegan.
superplek and stefan : do you know that instead of stuffing 5 kg of meat up your ass, you could achieve the same effect using a single big vegetable ? ;-)
brioche: reasoing with them is like trying to reason with a christian. :-)
god ate meat too
The only meat I eat is pussy.
Food is an obsession, listen to me! I am over 100kilos right this moment but I am trying to make a diet. It hardly works :(