Generative diskmag
category: general [glöplog]
Come on, someone make one. It'd be awesome.
You know writing parapete, so pleasemake an article for Hugi too: you'll be a star promised. Thanks to Hugi I've got 5 girlfriends at the same time and that's only the beginning. We have enough mags with both pain and Hugi, don't need anymore: more mags = less girlfriends, never forget.

ep : okay, you've convinced me with your "girlfriends" argument, but a generative mag would be different every time you open it!
parapete: we already have the crest report generator.. only need to do something similar for poetry/short stories section, scene groups news, code articles and random scener interview :)
and also add some ep articles, they look like random cut-and-paste work anyhow so nobody will notice that the article is not really generative :-)
Pisanie czyni wolnym ? ;O
havoc, you barely have an idea aboot how much you actually rock :D
oh, .kkanada stroke back, i'm sorry for them
Great pic,Havoc!!!
I guess volvo and cheese went over your head.
We have enough mags with both pain and Hugi
Yeah... Right...
you might need polygen, a tool to generate instances of a given a grammar
third time i can post this

third time i can post this

Maali, but you'll admit that Havoc's caricature is more original and, more, doesn't contain any illegal symbols.
Illegal symbols are fascism.
Preacher: ?!?
In Germany and Austria it's illegal to display swastikas expect for artistic purposes.
In Germany and Austria it's illegal to display swastikas expect for artistic purposes.
except even
I once had the great(?!silly?) idea to try to think how to make a diskmag in 256b and what to write into. Lolfollers
You know, there has actually been a 4k diskmag. It was called "Wilby". Not many articles per issue, and each article was limited to one 40x25 character screen. Well... an original idea at least.
wilby was cool actually
yeh, the interface of 4 and 5 was <3
Yes I know Wilby. My inspiration :)
Oh and fuzzby!
Oh,. and our humble Nasty Bugs attempt, Obtain #1, which was deleted after a Pouet net crash but I have it somewhere on my HD, maybe I'll add it soon..
Oh,. and our humble Nasty Bugs attempt, Obtain #1, which was deleted after a Pouet net crash but I have it somewhere on my HD, maybe I'll add it soon..