Where is Sceen Issue 2?
category: general [glöplog]
Yeah, where is Scene Issue #2?
Looking forwad to it,. thought it was suppose to be released in December 2005 ???
Looking forwad to it,. thought it was suppose to be released in December 2005 ???
yeah we all are waiting... whats up?

Good things take their time I'd say!
it's the pipe, friends. working hard on it atm and trying to improve it on all ends (more pages and shit). expect to see it shipping in late feb / early march. hold in there, guys ... :)
o_O issue #2 with shit in it?!? just kidding
lookin' forward to sneak a peek
lookin' forward to sneak a peek
Thank you for de delay skematic! :)
any news on this? :-)
any news on this? :-)
Sparcus, stop reading in my mind, please. We're enough people up there already.
anything we (er.. me?) can do?
hmm.. been almost a year since issue one now.. where is number two?
... coming for good in september! bulletproof this time! a video trailer premiered at last weekends EVOKE (so you know) and will be put online later this week.
sincere apologies to all of you for stressing your patience beyond reason.
sincere apologies to all of you for stressing your patience beyond reason.
Well, I already told you guys at the party: You have my direct debit authorization, so do whatever you like to! \o_O/
where is number two?
Right behind you...
Sceen crew: You might wanna reconsider that "Will appear 4 times a year" promise. ;)
A video trailer at Evoke? I guess I missed that. I did like the poster with all the obsolete release dates on it though :-)
yeah, im with nutman here... please don't say that you will release it 4 times a year if you can't. i'll rather see it 1 or 2 times a year then but larger maybe?
give us one more chance to stick with quarterly, ok? if we're not able to deliver issue #3 around November we'll definitely do the reconsidering part ;) ... thanks much for the input, though. it helps knocking some sense into our heads, afterall ;) .
Wait, issue 2 is out, or this 'November' issue 3 is...
Seriously, guys, I finish productions faster.
Seriously, guys, I finish productions faster.
monroe: you owe me a beer ;)
truck: no, you don't ;)
truck: no, you don't ;)
leia: a beer and a reply, to be precise ;) . you'll get both. promised.
truck: issue #2: september / issue #3: november -- other than that: you're always welcome to proof your finishing skills by joining the army of proofreaders. to propel things and truck up the girls-only department (which it is atm) ;) ...
truck: issue #2: september / issue #3: november -- other than that: you're always welcome to proof your finishing skills by joining the army of proofreaders. to propel things and truck up the girls-only department (which it is atm) ;) ...
Monroe: Can I trade proofreading for a subscription? (:
I will be glad to help out in that area, so long as you don't mind the 'Norwegia' jokes.
Tomcat doesn't like my Norwegia jokes. It's totally unfair.
I will be glad to help out in that area, so long as you don't mind the 'Norwegia' jokes.
Tomcat doesn't like my Norwegia jokes. It's totally unfair.
I like the Norwegia jokes :D
my engrish is pretty funnay - a good reason to join the proof reading team. ;)
I remember signing up for a year. And there has almost been a year since I got the first issue, does that mean my subscription is over? :P