
Did you miss me?

category: general [glöplog]
Yo punters, Shane is back!

Been a busy few months. Porky got himself a gig calling bingo and putting on discos at the local pub so The Fearmoths have been giving him their support. Sadly this guy we know called Fudgie called the police and told them we were holding illegal pit fights with old women and we got banned and our Babyshams, pork pies and Bombay Mixes were confiscated. I even got my knobbly knees competition trophy declared void! Ok, so it's true we did get old women to fight and some of them broke their pelvises, but the old hags had nothing better to do and it encouraged them to get in training and keep fit.

Most of us also spent 2 months in jail for assisting in the kidnapping of a sailor. It would have been more, but Porky's bullterrier Jim got promoted to sargeant major in the police and he used his position to get us released early. Plus the sailor got promoted to a professional astronaut in honour of his bravery.

Anyway, we're out of jail now and back in the scene. Hope you didn't miss me too much.

Sorry for the lack of updates to our site (cheap plug = http://www.angeltowns2.net//fearmoths/index.htm) but we were in jail afterall.

Hope you all had a cool christmas and new year tho! Mine was crap!

Also, I now have a jail tatoo on my forehead that says "crocodile dick". Luckily it was just written in pen ink so it'll probably come off.
A man walks into a resturant and the waiter asks for his order. The man says "I'll hav the crocodile and make it snappy".

The waiter returns with a living crocodile and it bites the man in the d!ck!

The waiter laughs and says "you always were a fool!"

Then the crodocile turns to the waiter and laughs, then bites his d1ck!
There was an English, Irish and Scottish man and they are builders. The English man hates his sandwiches and says he'll kill himself if his wife makes them for him again, and the others agree to do the same.

The next day they check their sammos and they're the same so the English man dives off a scaffolding into a baked potato and dies. The Scottish man dives into a chip and dies. The irish man eats the other guys sandwiches cos he likes those.

Then a crocodile climbs the scaffolding and bites him in the dick!
What's a "punter"? Sorry, got stuck there.
added on the 2006-01-18 04:52:17 by Gargaj Gargaj
welcome back Shane! Sorry I didn`t visit you in prison, you know how it is.
(mail coming up)
added on the 2006-01-18 07:40:19 by darkus darkus
oh nozz!
added on the 2006-01-18 09:11:27 by Zest Zest
answer : no
added on the 2006-01-18 09:35:56 by apricot apricot
Well, I for one have missed the updates on Porky. He's a ke-razy fellow and I am so glad Shane is back to tell us stories about his life.

Isn't Punters the ones that punts punts? No?
added on the 2006-01-18 09:44:24 by Hyde Hyde
Derives from this?
added on the 2006-01-18 10:16:31 by bdk bdk
*hoping for more fearmoth trojans soon*
added on the 2006-01-18 10:41:44 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
*clack clack* (\/) o o (\/) *clack clack*
added on the 2006-01-18 12:19:27 by rmeht rmeht
Ah, good to see you back Shane, now leave that wonky 'seel' account to rest will ya!

I think I saw Porky when I was on holidays in Shireshire back in august, is that possible? I was visiting me nan who lives there. Got completely hammered in "Henley's", don't know if you know that, but it's a shithole without a women's loo! Anyway, I think I saw Porky there, he seemed to be dealing pickled pigsfeet to the local chavs and gippos, but I might have seen that wrong, It was already a quarter past 5 lagers, and I was chatting up this bird i'd met earlier. She was severely hot, with her pink Von Dutch cap and her tight pink top! Didn't bring her back to my nan's though, she's quite the light sleeper so I didn't dare (my nan that is, not the chick, I haven't seen her sleeping yet!) Ended up sloppy frenchkissing and fingerbanging her in the loo while some shitfaced bloke was puking his guts out in the stall next to us, crazy shit man, crazy!
added on the 2006-01-18 12:21:21 by okkie okkie
yo shane! great to have you back. coming to breakpoint?
and don't forget to check out the new ukscene website! http://www.ukdemoscene.org/
cool, my favourite troll is back in town. :D
added on the 2006-01-18 14:00:23 by kelsey kelsey
as much as i miss catching bees...
added on the 2006-01-18 14:06:51 by uns3en_ uns3en_
:) way back, shane.
added on the 2006-01-18 19:14:39 by NuKem NuKem
like peanutbutter stuck to my palate..
added on the 2006-01-18 19:31:19 by el mal el mal
Shane you rule. I missed you baby. Just looked at your page again and I can't hold my belly reading the Trolling stuff, that's awesome entertainment! And Bjerte is the funniest scener ever! Fearmoths at BP06, 75% I'll visit this year too.
added on the 2006-01-18 20:24:29 by Optimus Optimus
BB Image
added on the 2006-01-18 21:21:18 by front243 front243
Shane: check your spam just incase
added on the 2006-01-18 21:40:44 by darkus darkus
i hope you didn't give up snorting snuff yet, because i just got back into doing that again. we could exchange mails about several brands of fruit flavored tobaccos, if you're interested.


hell yeah, i missed you. good thing that bjerte kept reminding the rest of the guys that you are still about.
added on the 2006-01-18 22:19:08 by dalezr dalezr
Garga: I think punters does have some relation with escorts (models, bitches, hookers, slags, pros, whores, old hags..) you know what I mean, don't you?

more info here
added on the 2006-01-18 22:37:12 by mrdoob mrdoob
added on the 2006-01-19 19:24:49 by p01 p01
