
starting of the new year with some fresh pouet-flaming!

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2006-01-01 03:48:47 by sofokles sofokles
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added on the 2006-01-01 04:03:32 by havoc havoc
such a waste...
fuckings to kewlers \o/
added on the 2006-01-01 06:42:53 by ttl ttl
mehh.. its only Grolsch! If it was Stella Artois, then it would be a waste ;-)
added on the 2006-01-01 23:45:34 by xeron xeron
Bass... the only true beer. Whatever that is... Is it even real?
added on the 2006-01-01 23:46:50 by xernobyl xernobyl
i will have to strangle xeron now.
added on the 2006-01-02 00:09:52 by havoc havoc
added on the 2006-01-02 00:10:21 by Optimus Optimus
mehh.. its only Grolsch! If it was Stella Artois, then it would be a waste ;-)

You fucking chav you! :)
added on the 2006-01-02 12:17:17 by okkie okkie
grolsch sucks anyway.
added on the 2006-01-02 12:18:45 by dipswitch dipswitch
Bass... the only true beer. Whatever that is... Is it even real?
The Bass Red Triangle was the first trademark registered in Britain in 1876.
... says the man who has to drink bloody 'LOWENBRAU'
added on the 2006-01-02 12:21:04 by okkie okkie
lol @ grolsch (slootwater)

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added on the 2006-01-02 12:23:13 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
godverdomme stelletje barbaren! jullie drinken zeker Freddy's met carnaval!
added on the 2006-01-02 12:30:50 by okkie okkie
en zelfs uit pijpjes!!
added on the 2006-01-02 12:36:24 by el mal el mal
ik drink shandy en na 3 flesjes ben ik helemaal keihard de geeekste!!@!@!!
added on the 2006-01-02 12:38:40 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
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added on the 2006-01-02 12:48:00 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
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added on the 2006-01-02 13:03:14 by Preacher Preacher
<3 preacher <3
added on the 2006-01-02 13:05:24 by okkie okkie

and you're 30?

and bashing grolsch?

you probably had an amiga when you were younger, right? :-)
added on the 2006-01-02 13:06:31 by havoc havoc
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added on the 2006-01-02 18:21:05 by blueflame blueflame
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added on the 2006-01-02 19:22:51 by el mal el mal
\m/ OVERKILL!!! \m/

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added on the 2006-01-02 19:31:57 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
okkie: Hey! Löwenbräu is the shiznitz!
added on the 2006-01-02 20:24:42 by El Topo El Topo
Wow... that's odd... and a square? Does anyone registered a square? Or they said it was just two triangleS?
added on the 2006-01-02 20:50:15 by xernobyl xernobyl
