
are demo's art ?

category: general [glöplog]
I consider many demo's to be art, and i have commited myself to doing a project on codedemos for school. Now i've seen hundreds of demo's, and for my project i have to show edleast a couple, but i cant make my mind up which demo's would be considered to be the most "arty" of all.
Its for class, and noone has ever heard of the demoscene, i want to make it as good as possible, and therefor i'd really appreciate comments on what i should implement.
thank you very much Zzed
added on the 2004-10-24 19:57:45 by Zzed Zzed
Here are a few hints, which run on actuall pcs.
Demos: [32 degrees in the shade] and [de profundis]
intros: [kings of the playground] and [antimoney]
Amiga (with videos): [Amsterdam blessings and [melba]
Wild: [Leonardo's briefcase] and [footlose]
Pleade define "art".
added on the 2004-10-24 22:33:00 by dixan dixan
#define art
added on the 2004-10-24 22:34:17 by el mal el mal
art sucks, demos don't, therefore demos are not art. down with art!
added on the 2004-10-24 22:53:23 by cruzer cruzer
#define art !(art)
added on the 2004-10-24 22:54:02 by kb_ kb_
#define art NULL
added on the 2004-10-24 22:58:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
zzed: if you want to make a good impression on non-demosceners, why the hell do you choose to show the most arty ones? those are probably the ones they are less likely to enjoy. :)
added on the 2004-10-24 23:03:24 by gloom gloom
"Demos are a product of extreme programming and self expression. From the earliest PCs to today's fast machines, sceners make demos for one reason: because they can."
added on the 2004-10-24 23:06:48 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
gloom, maybe because watching rotating objects isn't that intresting to non-sceners.
added on the 2004-10-24 23:15:30 by nosfe nosfe
depending on how it rotates...

if its rotating along all three axis, it might be pretty damn sexy to laymen...
added on the 2004-10-24 23:18:21 by uncle-x uncle-x
ask pitagoras... :)
added on the 2004-10-24 23:38:37 by ninja ninja
BB Image
added on the 2004-10-24 23:57:21 by Shifter Shifter
BB Image
added on the 2004-10-25 00:03:36 by okkie okkie
Two different Hollands.
sure... 18...

added on the 2004-10-25 01:48:31 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Rotating sexy envmapped spikeballs always ensure you success
added on the 2004-10-25 01:57:11 by ithaqua ithaqua
show them pouet!
This thread is art.
this art is thread
added on the 2004-10-25 05:02:15 by gemini gemini
Zzed: My suggestion would be for you to present what YOU consider art to your class, and also WHY.

Also, try a different spot where sceners hang out, we're all a bit drunk here in the pouet bar.
demo is art, electronic arts ...

added on the 2004-10-25 11:20:14 by bLa bLa
