
Things you hate about the current scene

category: general [glöplog]
List time...what do you dislike about the scene of 2004?

Here's my list:

Not enough entertaining releases.
Too many rushed productions.
Too many "joke" productions with no wit or humour.
Not enough melodic and tuneful demo music.
Not enough fast paced and exciting demos.
Not enough story demos.
Not enough impressive handdrawn graphics in demos.
Lack of originality in productions.
Virtually no technical breakthroughs.
Too many copycat minimalist art demos.

And that concludes my attempt at a serious scene discussion.
What Shane said.
Too many morons complaining that "their" scene is not the way they want it to be.

And Shane: you should absolutely continue releasing stuff! It IS appreciated.
- not enough HYPNOGLOW!
added on the 2004-10-12 18:06:50 by kusma kusma

especially about the lack of originality and the "expect a final soon" concept (unpolished prods made in a hurry just for the sake of entering a compo)
added on the 2004-10-12 18:08:00 by keops keops
forgot this one:

the fact that the demoscene is dead since 1993 of course ;)
added on the 2004-10-12 18:12:11 by keops keops
sheesh, it's been UNDEAD since 1993 :)
- not enough violence
added on the 2004-10-12 18:17:08 by quisten quisten
- not enough homodisco soundtracks
- not enough naked 3d chicks with no hands nor feet
- not enough death and destruction!
added on the 2004-10-12 18:38:14 by el mal el mal
Shane : we need to collaborate on something! I have masses of spare time at the moment. I sent you a couple of emails but got no reply (maybe you didn't get them?). Please please email me at bernardlerring (at) hotmail.com
- not enough porn
added on the 2004-10-12 19:00:25 by teel teel
- not enough cowbell
added on the 2004-10-12 19:12:48 by radman1 radman1
- amerikaanse moraalridders
added on the 2004-10-12 19:21:54 by havoc havoc
- not enough "mister gay" singalongs.
added on the 2004-10-12 19:26:36 by psenough psenough
- not enough great weird looking effects
- not enough good techno soundtracks
- too much 3d-flybies with bad textures
added on the 2004-10-12 19:32:41 by blueflame blueflame
- not enough time :(
- not enough hangovers.
- not enough moronic posts by Patrick Groove
added on the 2004-10-12 19:42:57 by el mal el mal
- too many posers/wannabies/rednecks/not-really-sceners
- too many "funny" prods
- what macaw said x2
added on the 2004-10-12 19:54:45 by gloom gloom
It's true, 2004 has been a quiet year. So was 2001, if I remember correctly. Yet 2002 and 2003 were fantastic.

Demo quality has always been a rollercoaster ride, both in terms of monthly and yearly cycles. But I guess the unpredictable nature is one of the things I find enjoyable about the demoscene -- one just never knows what will be released next.
added on the 2004-10-12 20:18:51 by cruzer cruzer
too many fake pouet ids
too many forum lists
too much attention-seeking via the internet
too much complaining
added on the 2004-10-12 20:34:45 by phoenix phoenix
- Too much wannabe-"art" and not enough balls
added on the 2004-10-12 20:37:52 by Nezbie Nezbie
Not enough story demos.

What is story? I've seen some really cool story-based "boring 3d fly-bys" this year, partly open mouth...

Not enough entertaining releases.
Lack of originality in productions.

Without wanting to start the flamewar again, but I remember a very popular demo which entertained me very much and was something original (on that platform).

Try to find some good releases of this year yourself and stop whining. We cannot have every year .the .popular .demo and relais or liquid wen and variform in the compos or lapsuus, little nell and melba in one compo...

As long as the biggest feedback platform (I think this fits one of pouet's attributes) brings thumb downs for not working on some hardware, for using of "future technology", for good modelled 3d scenes,... there will be demomakers who drop a demo due to "bad quality". Sad thing...

And now: goan fuck yourself!
This year had SYNTHEMATIK so shut up everyone :D
added on the 2004-10-12 20:52:47 by Gargaj Gargaj
