

category: general [glöplog]
IT'S @ SE.

We'll be back. Harder than ever. More controversial than ever. In your face tactics. We'll make you cry over a techno-demo. Fools! Idiots!
added on the 2004-05-22 05:58:40 by superplek superplek
added on the 2004-05-22 07:57:16 by v3nom v3nom
I´ll bet it's due for assembly04.
Let's just hope that the dogs bark isn't worse then it's bite! ;-)
added on the 2004-05-22 08:25:37 by ekoli ekoli
Not asm04. @ SE=Scene Event or Summer Encounter or what..
added on the 2004-05-22 09:35:25 by Optimus Optimus
Hopefully there will be metaballs in it. I missed those lately.
added on the 2004-05-22 10:17:28 by tomaes tomaes
the moment plek realises that his final efforts in dominating the scene actually got beaten by a lobstarrs demo is going to be full or joy and anger.

added on the 2004-05-22 10:39:43 by skrebbel skrebbel
Anyone for a bet that
1) ... it will have spiky cylinders?
2) ... it will crash on the compo machine at least once?
3) ... it will crash on 70% of the other machines, regardless of fixes/finals?
4) ... the models will be eventually reused in other demos since plek can't code proper datafile managing?

added on the 2004-05-22 10:50:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
i hope its a pr0n demo. naked chicks with metaballs and spiky cillenders are always a hit. dont forget pseudo-atitude scene poetry kthnx.
added on the 2004-05-22 11:16:18 by psenough psenough
In your face tactics? Sounds like a Metalvotze ripoff to me.
added on the 2004-05-22 11:19:57 by havoc havoc
note to self: do not hide plek's medication.
added on the 2004-05-22 12:03:11 by Shifter Shifter
Also, when will the final be released?
added on the 2004-05-22 13:08:31 by sagacity sagacity
1. It sure as hell will. Hell yeah.
2. Perhaps it will, for a change.
3. Yeah, I'll insert that typo again. It's just that your cheap-ass graphics adapter didn't have at least 128 megabytes of RAM back then. Cheapskate.
4. They are redundant, but probably the forte of any amateur demoscene programmer. And yes, I will reuse materials.

And Metalvotze? I recall them being a bunch of Nazi's. I'd prefer not to be compared with them.

For final versions, please bother Stil. It's all his fault.

added on the 2004-05-22 17:10:41 by superplek superplek
And my blobs rock hard, I will most certainly use them again.
added on the 2004-05-22 17:12:47 by superplek superplek
we have blobs that can beat your blobs.
you have cubes. and not all of them march.
added on the 2004-05-22 18:31:00 by Shifter Shifter
His horse does though.
added on the 2004-05-22 18:54:36 by superplek superplek
plek & shifter: i thought you knew..? excess 0wned you in 2002 and it might happen again... :>
added on the 2004-05-22 19:20:54 by gloom gloom
YEAH, I'M UP FOR A FIGHT!!! (on the lobstarrs-team, tho)
added on the 2004-05-22 19:32:50 by kusma kusma
641 BLOBS!
added on the 2004-05-22 19:45:02 by el mal el mal
Blobs are additive sprites!!!
added on the 2004-05-22 20:35:27 by Optimus Optimus
pfft. blobs are so 90s.
Gloom: Hell! I'll introduce you to the business end of my shoe! We're more badass! And *you* know it.

added on the 2004-05-22 21:05:14 by superplek superplek
Rasmus: At least it's a manly effect, not as metrosexual as a bunch of boxes!
added on the 2004-05-22 21:06:04 by superplek superplek
I disagree...
*puts on donald sutherland imitation*
A flatshaded cube can give you an... edge.
added on the 2004-05-22 21:38:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
I'm not very excited.
added on the 2004-05-22 21:57:59 by dairos dairos
