
Stream 2003 Invitation by Matt Current [web]

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        _)    \___\_/  ____/___\      /_____/     /_____/     /     current
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        |_                          _|
          \________________________/ ______________________________ __
        |_   Release Information
        . \_
        ::.|       Name  [ Stream 2003 Invitation            ]
        :::|       Date  [ 20 / 06 / 2003 ]  Type  [ Intro   ]
        :::|   Platform  [ Commodore 64 ]  Size  [ 18 blocks ]
        :::|      Desc.  [ Small intro made in one evening.  ]
        :::|             [ Guest starring Deetsay!           ]
        :::|                         ______________________________ __
        |_   Group News
        . \_
        ::.|   We are organizing Stream demoparty here in Finland. See this
        :::|   release to learn more.
        :::|   Ld0d joined as a coder. He's currently coding accelerated PC
        :::|   intro which will be released at Stream.
        :::|   New GBA-stuff is under construction. Our future releases will
        :::|   surely rock Gameboys all around the globe.
        :::|   Sec joined as a graphician.
        :::|                         ______________________________ __
        |_   Memberlist
        . \_
        ::.|   Alcoda      Timo Saikkonen     Music
        :::|   Annie       Janne Toivanen     Code / Ascii
        :::|   Beezee      Pekka Kokkonen     Music
        :::|   Dodke       Lauri Gratseff     Graphics
        :::|   Jean9       Ilkka Hänninen     Music / Web
        :::|   Jobe        Jori TJ Kemppi     Music
        :::|   Joil        Joni Ylistö        Graphics
        :::|   Ld0d        Lauri Koponen      Code
        :::|   Malila      Kari Malila        Code
        :::|   Raymon      Raimo Gratseff     Graphics / Models
        :::|   Rjv         Otto Hassinen      Music
        :::|   Sec         Antti Sinisalo     Graphics
        :::|   Skrebbel    Egbert Teeselink   Music
        :::|   Stonda      Toni Saarikko      Music
        :::|   Teel        Teemu Lahti        Music
        :::|   Tribe       Antti Seppä        Ascii
        :::|                         ______________________________ __
        |_   Releaselist
        . \_
        ::.|   001  Period of Revolutionary Transform    Demo  GBA
        :::|   002  Takaveto (coop with Unique)          Demo  PC
        :::|   003  1989                                 Intro C64
        :::|   004  Alternative Party 2003 Invitation    Demo  GBA
        :::|   005  Vapaa Valinta                        Demo  PC
        :::|   006  Stream 2003 Invitation               Intro C64
        :::|                         ______________________________ __
        |_   Contact
        . \_
        ::.|   http://www.mattcurrent.org
        :::|   #3.1415926535897932384626433832795 @ IRCNet