
Six Sievert by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]

 SILIconvention                                       Bremen, March, 28th '97

                     -+#  96ktro contribution by #+-
                            -=[   .tSCc.   ]=-
                              <- entitled ->

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                              'sIX sIEvErt'   
                          'fOR atARi Falcon 030' 


This is our contribution for the Falcon 96ktro competition at the 
SILIconvention 1997. My group forced me, MC Laser, to write this
Read-me-file. If you want to contact us write to:

              ->MC LASER<-                       
               NO E-Mail!

                               MAUSNET:         ACHIM SETTELMEIER@KA2
                               E-MAIL:  [email protected]

 E-MAIL:        [email protected]
                               MAUSNET:            Martin Schwalb @ GI
                               EMAIL: [email protected]

 E-Mail: [email protected]

That's all. Greetings to all guys at the SILIconvention. See you next
year. Signing off.

                                                      MC Laser//.tSCc.


'Ihr habt alle gefickt!'