
Wheelz of steel by Dark CodeX Crew [web]

__________    _______________________________      __
\_______  \  /   _  \______   \____ |     /  \####/ /|######
 |o        \/   /_\  \|o     _/|o   /    /    \##/ / ######
 ||     >   \    |    ||  |   \||     --<\     \/ / /######
 |'         /    |    |'  |    \'   \    \\      / /#######
/_______   /\____|__  |___|_   /____|___  \\     \/#######
 /      | /       \ |/     \| /		| //      \#######
/o _____|/         \|       |/	   _____|//  /\    \#####
| |      |   __     |   _   |     ____|  /  / /\    \####
| |______|  |__|    |  |_|  |    |______/  / /##\    \##
 \______/\_________/|_____.' |____________/ /####\____\#
  \_____\^\________\ \_____.' \___________\/      \____'


                      ____         ________  ____                       
                 ___ /    \  _____/__      \/    \     _____            
   ____  _____  /    \   /__/_       \ /    \    /    /     \______     
  /    \/     \/     /  _     \  /    \_____/   /   _/__   /       \    
 /     /   /\________\ / /    / ______/   \    /___/    \___/      /    
 \________/       \___/  \___/ /    \____/     _    \    \ _______/__   
  kus^exc                  \_______/    \_____/ \________//          \  
                                                    .o f   s t e e l.   

Wheelz of steel - Wheelchair dragracing

Version: 1.0 WinXP / Win2k

Place your bet on one of the four contestants.
You will eather loose your bet, or win your bet
times four.

Playing the game
On the main menu, press start. Use the arrows to
increase or decrease the values on the next screen.
Press "info" to see all of the contestants profiles.
If you got under 0 credits in the end of the day,
it's gameover.

Programmed by: DigitalErr0r ^ Dark CodeX Studios
GFX by: DigitalErr0r ^ Dark CodeX Studios

Greeting to all my friends( you know who you are ;P)
Esp. to Christian "Veber" and Henrik "Gonzo" for some
major support ;)
Kusma for the ASCII logo ;)
and to #scene.no for the idea ;PPPP

[email protected]
