Cubism by kvasigen [web]
cubism by kva s i gen code: snillfisk music: edzes downsampled by: lug00ber beautiful drawings at the end: lug00ber & eladamri (det er en bil med campingvogn, en tanks med campingvogn en lakrisbåt med campingvogn og litt annet snacks) mental support and staying up way too long: wynlen too sleepy to give any support: raiden always responding on irc: eladamri thanks to: en tilfeldig fyr som hjalp lugge med å installere kabinettvifter gloomwing for providing a working floppy agga for nagging me about cs please, don't take it too seriously. :p an extra thanks to the gathering democrew for delaying the deadline because of few entries, making it possible for us to contribute. great guys! we might release a final, the text-thingy kinda bugs on low framerates (gf2 etc), run without vsync for best experience. there is also someone reporting bugs in the intro sequence on certain gf3s, so please stay away from those cards in the main showing :) landscape was designed and modelled in ultraedit (it just misses a mario character jumping on the skies) (eyh, chaos, anti-aliased text!)
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