links 2001 championship edition cracktro by Razor 1911 [web]
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New courses and a new player are added, content created by the Links 2001 development team only available in this release. 4 Exclusive new courses: Royal Melbourne Golf Club Frankfurter Golf Club (Germany) Oakmont Country Club The Judge Course at Capitol Hill A new player, Hidemichi Tanaka has been added in this championship package. Now, for those who have Links 2001, you're probably saying, why the hell do I need 4 CD's for all that when it should fit into 1 CD? To get the new Hidemichi Tanaka, leech CD1. He's found in CD1\GAME\ANI. To get the new courses, Leech CD3. Most of that CD (400 megs) are the files you want. Please note that we're not sure if you can just snag these files and thus update your current installation. The game is designed as a 4 disc set, so your best bet is to grab the full release. If you download the whole package, you'll have the latest version of Links 2001, with Expansion Pack 1, and the new Championship Edition content. Remember, these new courses and player(s) are not going to ever be made available for download. Downloadable courses remain on the internet, which is where they should be. The crack is located on CD1. SPECIAL NOTES: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once again our hearts go out to the victims and families of those who perished in the atrocious acts committed against freedom just over a week ago. We know that the parties responsible will be made to pay but this can in no way diminish the pain we feel for this attack on our way of life. Perhaps this horrible tragedy once again illustrates the need for the West to redouble its vigilance against the forces of evil everywhere. "We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight with great confidence and strength. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills... WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!" -W.Churchill Check out the cracktro included for an important message. GROUP NOTES: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Razor 1911 is the oldest group in the scene, but even us old-timers need to have an influx of quality people from time to time. Active members of Razor are treated to all the pleasures the scene has to offer, from sites which are packed with quality PC games like ours, to console, movies and beyond. So, if you are interested in being a part of one of the most respected and productive cracking groups in the history of piracy, read on to see if you can help the legend grow in any of the following capacities - - Supply new originals (ie you have access to them from working in a software store, distributor, magazine, duplicator, etc.) - Crack generic protections (ie SecuROM, Safedisc, Copylok etc.) with tools of your own creation or by hand If any of the above apply to you, contact us at [email protected]! Do not mail us for any stupid questions such as how to unrar a game, where you can acquire our releases, if we will mail you any missing disks or cracks that you might want, or if you wish to know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow, either african or european variety! * Special Note - Recent news of an interview, ostensibly conducted with a Razor member by a european PC magazine, has spread around the scene like wildfire. Razor 1911 would like to take this opportunity to remind all denizens of the scene that we are uninterested in any public exposure, and in fact have made repeated attempts to discourage such exposure, because we believe it to be detrimental and dangerous for us and our competitors. All Razor 1911 members share this belief, and all Razor 1911 members are very carefully screened before being allowed to join. Many current Razor members had to wait for MONTHS before they were allowed into the family so that we could make sure they were not only able to contribute to the success of the group, but that they also were in a position to uphold the ideals and principles which govern us. We do not wish to address this subject again, so use your brain before you blindly believe unsubstantiated interviews with faceless people in any type of media, magazine or otherwise. GROUP GREETS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Razor 1911 slices out greets to our friends & competitors around the world, including FLT, Deviance, iAVCD, Divine, Class, Myth, and Static. -*- -*- -*- "Our support to all soldiers defending freedom in Operation Infinite Justice!" * * * * * * ---------------------- * * * * * ---------------------- * * * * * * ---------------------- * * * * * ---------------------- American * * * * * * ---------------------- Since Freedom * * * * * ---------------------- 1776 * * * * * * ---------------------- * * * * * ---------------------- * * * * * * ---------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT PRODUCE QUALITY SOFTWARE! IF YOU ENJOYED THIS PRODUCT, BUY IT! SOFTWARE AUTHORS DESERVE SUPPORT!!
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