Elysium State by Stardust
. . . . . . | . | . | . . | . | stardust. | | | | | 2Ö22| | _____ | | __ | | ______ __ | | __ __________ | _ || || || || ___/| || || || | | ___|| ||_ _||___ || || || || || || | |_____\|___\ |__| /______||__||______||__||__|| | ____ ______ ___ ______ ____ | | | __|_ _|__ |_ _| _ | | | |___ || || _ || || ___| | . /_____|| ||_____\|__||_____\ . | | | . | | rollerbob . | . kowalski . . . | psndcj . diver . . n1k-o . sq | | Phew! After one month and a few days we have | finally made a final version of this demo! | | It took us too long to make all the fixes we | wanted and needed, and we know that, so, sorry | and that's why here is the brief list | of the changes: | | - Autodetects and fixes for the most common | ZX models (128K/+2/+2a/+2b/+3 and Pentagon) | - Some bugs were fixed | - Sync was improved a lot in almost every part | - Some parts were refactored for stable working | - Pictures and effects were polished a bit | - New credits screen was added | - A lot of small details were fixed and updated | | Although Elysium State should work properly on | all classic machines, it makes heavy use of our custom | Beta Disk trackloader. Thus it's quite impossible | to make a .tap version not ruining the whole demo flow. | So you would need to have Beta Disk interface | or DivMMC to run the demo. Sorry for that. | | Please also note that the "Selfie Girl" part | may look strange on some hardware or emulators | due to inaccurate timings emulation (e. g. Fuse) | or inner hardware processing pecularities | (e. g. ZX Evolution). In some cases this could be | circumvented, but we decided to leave it as it is. | | During our tests, we found a flaw in the WD1793/VG93 | emulation on ZX Evolution/Baseconf, due to which the | demo didn't run from the SD card, but worked fine | with real disk drives (and Gotek). We have informed | the authors and the flaw was immediately fixed | in the latest firmware. So, if this demo doesn't run | on your ZX Evolution/Baseconf, please update | your firmware to the latest version. | | And at the end as the most important thing | we desperately want to say our HUGE thanks | to the following people we adore and respect: | | - iq (Inigo Quilez) for kindly permission | to use his incredible Selfie Girl picture: | https://www.shadertoy.com/view/WsSBzh | (yes, it's a tribute to that amazing shader!) | - rook and wbcbz7 from SibCrew for competition | and supporting around | - personally wbcbz7 for bughunting and on a real | machine | - introspec for helping with model detection and | interrupt alignment routines | - savelij/NedoPC for quickly fixing the firmware | - jtn/4d for testing on a real machine | - Ized/Quite for support | - George Patsouras for original "Medusa" picture | - Oxygene for STNICCC2000 (yes, you recognized | it right!) | - nodeus for helping with video capture | - CAFePARTY organizers and visitors for such a | great party | - And you for the patience in waiting this one! | | Cheers, | Stardust |_____________________________________________ _ .
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