
Machinery Robotic by Excess Team & Caroline Software Inc.

| Full name of work: Machinery Robotic demo
| Compo: BK 0011m Demo
| Requirements: Elektronika BK0011m with AY/YM sound chim
| Contacts: [email protected]

| gfx: Grongy
| music: KUVO/CSI
| code: Adam Bazaroff/Excess team

| Thanks for help to grf, Manwe, Sandro

| First shown on CAFePARTY 2022 demoparty
| https://cafeparty.org.ru/

| Video BK 0011m (party version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YnbyKzf6f8

How to run on emulator?

BK2010 java emulator http://sandro.pdp-11.ru

	For BK 0011m ver:
		1. Mound mchnry.bkd as A: disk
		2. Boot from A:
		3. Run "Run1st" file
		4. Run "Run2nd" file
		5. Enjoy

| More BK stuff on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUv_-dSuj9a5O7fCcu4_Rw
| BK0010/11M telegram channel: https://t.me/bk0010_11m