
Our True Love, Halberd! by Accession & The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web] & ScenePt All Stars [web]

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A polearm is a close combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is fitted to the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the user's effective range and striking power. Polearms are predominantly melee weapons, with a subclass of spear-like designs fit for both thrusting and throwing. Because many polearms were adapted from agricultural implements or other fairly abundant tools, and contained relatively little metal, they were cheap to make and readily available. When warfare would break out and the belligerents had a poorer class who could not pay for dedicated military weapons, leaders would often appropriate tools as cheap weapons. The cost of training was comparatively minimal, since these conscripted farmers had spent most of their lives using these "weapons" in the fields. This made polearms the favored weapon of peasant levies and peasant rebellions the world over.

At Evoke 2022, The Planet of Leather Moomins in strict collaboration with Accession while under the group name of ScenePT All Stars, decided to deliver a polearm related demo. Because why not? Sadly the entire internet (well, turbosquid) only had free models of various melee weapons and not the full spread diversity range of polearms that we are all so familiar with. This drawback will surely one day become reason enough to have a sequel to this modern day demoscene masterpiece that we so inaptely entitled "Our True Love, Halberd!" Why that title you might ask? Well, it's clear as day that the Halberd is by far one of the best polearms (and melee weapons in general for that matter) around. It is cheap to make, can be easily manned by everyone (even recently conscribed farmer peasants), can be used to slice off body parts, poke holes in armors and even stop cavalry from running rampant in the battle field. It deserves the love and respect of all demoviewers of the world. In the wise words of our fellow demomaking collaborator Totetmatt who has provided us with multiple shaders to use on this demo: "if you're brave enough, everything is a sexto.... shader"

ps is to blame for the original concept and art direction of the piece. Jeenio was made an accomplice to this brave endeavour by providing a most fitting soundtrack carefuly following ps's vague guidelines (who name dropped him a bunch of melee weapons whose models were freely available online under the name "Medieval Melee Pack model" by Grantsj). If this demo was produced in hollywood Jack Black would sing to Michael Giacchino's orchestration. The demo was built using cablesGL (thank you Pandur, Steam, Dino, AMajesticSeaFlapFlap and Darya for some additional cablesGL info help). Several PBR materials were used taken from freepbr.com. Font used is Beyond Wonderland by Chris Hansen. The FBX model of Kevin was provided in kind by JCO/Spacepigs. Totetmatt wrote all the background shader effect with shameless inspiration from IQ and diverse shadertoy folks code. Feather ran some Dall-e queries and sent us a bucketload of results which we used a few of them in the stars scene. Igor hijacked the keyboard to write the final scroller text. And hopefuly Liqube professionally mixed and mastered the final version of the soundtrack, if he found the time to do so, we write this because he might not have found the time to do so, but it's the thought that counts!

To be clear: this cablesGL demo was not made by Okkie. Any claim otherwise is a lie!

You need an http server to run this demo, or load it with --allow-file-access-from-files option on a browser.


Verse 1 (4/4)
There are many weapons you can use
To fight against your enemy
Some are long and some are short
But all of them are deadly
One could say that it depends on how far
You're from your adversary
I don't care, all I want is

Verse 2 (4/4)
It's great to wield a mighty sword
Or even a small dagger
Rip your foes with a battle axe
Or pierce them with a rapier
One could say that these are perfect arms
To slay a few attackers
I don't care, I just need a

Verse 3 (12/8)
You fight in the fields with a spear and a shield
And you might even like it a lot
Or maybe you're more of a heavy mace fan
But I tell you, for sure, I am not
One could say that the spikes on a morning star
Can open a skull in one shot
I don't care, gimme already my

Verse 4 (slow 4/4)
I guess it's just a question of
Your personal taste in arms
Each and every weapon has
Its problems and its charms
One could say that it all boils down to
How much the weapon harms
I don't care, fucking love my

     M  A  D  E    W  I  T  H 

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- ops by cables user pandur (https://cables.gl/user/pandur)
- cables by undefined development (http://undev.studio)
- glmatrix by toji (https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix)
- FXAA WebGL implementation by mattdesl (https://github.com/mattdesl/glsl-fxaa)
- SSAO Shader by Martins Upitis (http://devlog-martinsh.blogspot.com)
- ops by cables user simod (https://cables.gl/user/simod)
- ops by cables user tim (https://cables.gl/user/tim)
- ops by cables user amajesticseaflapflap (https://cables.gl/user/amajesticseaflapflap)
- BabylonJS Shader Code by Babylon.js (https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/license.md)
- Filament Code by google (https://github.com/google/filament/blob/main/LICENSE)
- ops by cables user andro (https://cables.gl/user/andro)
- Photoshop math GLSL shaders by Romain Dura (https://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/)

All cables core code is licenced under the MIT licence

Some ops may be using code from contributors or external libraries under different licences.

Additional code from contributors and libraries in this export are licenced as follows:


- glmatrix by toji (https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix)
- FXAA WebGL implementation by mattdesl (https://github.com/mattdesl/glsl-fxaa)

Apache License:

- BabylonJS Shader Code by Babylon.js (https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/license.md)
- Filament Code by google (https://github.com/google/filament/blob/main/LICENSE)

Public Domain:

- Photoshop math GLSL shaders by Romain Dura (https://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/)