
MonoSlide by Defence Force [web]

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                  ----( MonoSlide )----
	        An 256 bytes demo competition entry
                     by Defence Force
                    at Sommarhack 2022

Dbug..................... Pretty much everything except
Tat.................. suggestion for the 64bit rotation

This demo should work fine on any ATARI machine in ST High resolution.

Two years ago, I released MindBender, a visual illusion 256 bytes entry based 
on a picture posted by Patapom on Facebook with the following comment:

               "TIEEEEEEENS ! CERVEAU DE MERDE !!!"
                   (Take that, shitty brain!!!)


I had promised Wietze I would get a mono entry for Sommarhack competitions, but
I ran out of time and energy (actually failed to also participate to the HMD
megademo), so instead I decided to just do a tiny 256 bytes intro... and since 
it is actually running in Monochrome, I did not lie \o/

You can look at the bundled source code if you want, there's nothing crazy in it.

Defence Force HQ:
- http://www.defence-force.org

- [email protected]