rare2 for windows by GENESiS [web]
r a r e two ---------------------------------------------- iq*murci*deep noise 48kb intro presented at XuntaParty 2000 (spain) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for those who don't know what software-render means, here you have the port of a old msdos 48kb intro to windows (gdi). the intro is exactly equal to the original one. just the hiden part has been removed as well as the loading bar (it made sense on my p133mhz, but it doesn't know in 2003). i hope you enjoy it! iq - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------- 00::requirements ------------------------- cpu :: a fast machine :: pentium 166 os :: the best one :: dos video :: lots of colors :: vesa 2.0 320x200 && 640x480 (24||32 bit) sound :: our old friend :: gus 512 kbytes ram :: lot of memory :: 13 megabytes exe :: the intro :: rare2.exe some notes: cpu :: the intro has been coded in a P133 and a P166. however, we detect the mhz rate of your computer's clock in order to generate more complex and detailed 3d scenes in fastest machines. os :: will this intro run under win9x? we don't know, and we don't care! ram :: yes, precalcs sucks! ------------------------- 01::just some words ------------------------- ok, no too much to say. you won't see new and spectacular effects in this intro, neither glorious generated music::just rare2. just some effects. this intro got the second place at 64 kb intros compo in GaliciaNet Party, held in Santiago De Compostela (spain). try to find the hidden part, and you will see a different rare! ------------------------- 02::the intro ------------------------- uhmm...i know. we wanted to tell you some things about us, the intro; just if you want to listen to us, of course. well, rare2 is more or less the same code of rare with some new things. the vesa engine has been remade, the texture generator was also remade, the 3d engine was optimized and retouched, the fractal generator was made more usable, new 3d objects generators were implemented and a new font-system was used. however we worked in the same old code. so don't spect any new spectacular intro. and, of course, don't spect from us more stupid intros like this one. we are working in more serious things! let's talk about the code (only if you want, you know). we want to remark that everything you see is generated by the intro except of the music. all the fonts, textures, polygonalized objects and gfx are generated. so, the 3d scenes, for example, are created, using things like M3D_CreateMeshAlt( &mesh, buffer, 10.0 ) M3D_Texturize( &mesh ); mesh.position.x = 110.0; // 115.0; cam.pos.x = 100.0 + 100.0*fcos( .1*t ); // 1.0+.1*t ); and so on. we wanted to explain this to you because we don't want rare2 to be seen as a simple optimized 3ds player. we hate 3ds based intros (and demos). in fact, we don't use more than 2kbytes of raw data (including fonts data, 3d scenes data, gfx and textures), except of the music. so the intro is more or less 60 kbyte before adding music. then we compress it };). anyway, we generate 20 256x256 textures, this is, 5 mbytes of true color textures, a 640x480 true color gfx and another 320 x 200 antialiased one (1.4 mbytes). of course, all of this textures ang gfx are fractals or combinations of them. we also generate 39 3d meshes, a total of 7398 polys in 4 scenes in a P133. on a faster machine (say a PIII) the intro will generate more than 22000 polys. all the meshes are brownian surfaces or revolution shapes, some of them conduced by a splined path. the camera movements are lissa-jouses, except of the roller's, where the path of the roller-mesh is used. we also generate the fonts (3d spline-curves), the flares and the palettes. ------------------------- 03::iq ------------------------- * more love problems, so more coding-nigths, so more intros, so more failed exams, so more need of love. * yes, you gessed. there is girl in my mind (some of you could have heared me speaking about her other times), but in the end i have been able to avoid dreaming with her... i think. * of course, we _must_ draw a fractal in the loading screen. who could this intro be rare2 otherwise? its a pity that the loading time is so short in really fast machines because of the short time you have to appreciate it. anyway you can press _pause_ key and the loading bar will stop :) in the other hand, doing antialias would take too much time. i wanted to draw a much more beatifull and sophisticated fractal, but it was imposible because it would have needed too much time to be generated. pues eso, que todav¡a no se pueden generar fractales ca¤eros en un tiempo razonablemente corto, y menos a£n con antialiasing (y tampoco es plan hacer esperar a la pe¤a dos minutos para cargar la intro, no?), ni siquiera con los algoritmos m s simples (como los utilizados en esta intro). vamos, que si queris ver fractales alucinantes visitad mi disco duro en la pr¢xima party. * ... como el mar, que por mucho que intenta una y otra vez atraer la atención de la bella costa apenas consigue que le preste la atención que él quisiera. pero sigue una y otra vez su incansable lucha desesperada, mas la costa le sigue sin responder, pues se ve más atraída por el cielo, con el cual se acaricia y juega, allá en el confín inalcanzable para el mar, en las maravillosas cumbres nevadas. sin embargo el mar no abandona por ello su in£til lucha, sin saber que nunca lograr nada, llenando para nada su vida de infelicidad. y yo tengo un miedo terrible a ser como el mar... ------------------------- 04::murci ------------------------- all my life can be resumed in the lyrics that appeared in that intro by replay..."some bookprint and a broken heart", so read them if you want to know more. these were all my words... ------------------------- 05::deep ------------------------- he's a shy guy...you know him. ------------------------- 06::future ------------------------- iq::el futuro es incierto, y por ello misterioso y estimulante. murci::este es iq que toma drogas psicotrópicas...ya sabéis, por lo del desdoblamiento de personalidad y las conductas esquizofrenicas) iq:: si, pero yo tengo un vaso de whisky encima de mi mesa continuamente! murci::es que me lo ha recomendado el medico be prepared !!!! ------------------------- 07::greets ------------------------- we thank: Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar for the upx compressor we greet: fuzzion centosis rgb wildbits k5 anaconda elite capsule v.fantasies cucmakers network purplestudios wavemasters incognita senco we adore: theblacklotus matrix byterapers fudge halcyon purple acme sunflower/pulse blasphemy iq loves: m...a... no, no lo escribiré! murci loves: clara additional greets: dj :: nuestra inspiración rufus :: ya no eres el mismo };) josdino :: siempre preparando fiestas. kaiser :: a por ellas! mary :: gracias por la canción. resi_girls :: hi girls! special greets: javier barrallo ------------------------- 08::humour ------------------------- n£mero 3 de las saga de chistes. n£meros 1 y 2 en rare.nfo y xmas.nfo respectivamente. bueno, como siempre os advertimos que los "chistes" que vienen a continuación no tienen porqué haceros gracia, ya que eso es relativo (al número de vasos de cacique que lleves)... ale, sin más demora, ahí van los chistes del año: * (alguna noche de fiesta) - rufus:: ¨ cuantas posturas tiene el kamasutra ? - murci:: uhm... 1024?? * (otra noche) - murci:: ¿ qué hora es ? - iq :: las 3:14 de la mañana - murci:: pi, pi, pi ! * no entendemos por qué todo el mundo se preocupó por la llegada del fin del mundo en el 2000 cuando todos sabemos que el mundo se acabar en el 2048... * si os fijáis el .zip de la intro tiene un nombre de 8 caracteres más 3 de extensión; es decir, estamos forzando el DOS al máximo. A esto se le llama aprovechar las posibilidades de la máquina! (menos mal que no estamos en Windows y no tenemos que hacer nombres de 256 caracteres...) * si os fijáis, el tamaño del .zip no es un número primo, pero a que hubiese estado bien? -->Abril del 2000<-------------------------------------------------------->8--
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