Sommarhack 1991 Best Of by pépé production [web]
---------------------------------------- - - - MMoDA - - - - Mini Museum of Digitized Arts - - - ---------------------------------------- - - - HS-02 - - - - Sommarhack 1991 - - - - The Best Of - - - ---------------------------------------- - - - conception : pépé - - music : Dma-Sc - - - ---------------------------------------- - - - Do you remember 1991 ? - - - - About 30 YEARS AGO ? - - - - Your face was ravaged by ACNE ! - - - - You were stuck to your 16-32 bits - - computer from morning to night... - - - - The GIRL on the picture is your - - little SISTER (not you GIRLFRIEND). - - - - Did you ever know that things were - - happening around you ? - - - - Let's check what you MISSED ! - - - ---------------------------------------- - a unique demo for your Atari 520 ST - - you need a hard disk to install it - ---------------------------------------- - - - july 10, 2021 - - - - for Sommarhack 2021 - - - ---------------------------------------- ___ _/_ ___ _/_ | . | -_| . | -_| | _|___| _|___| |_| |_|
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