Dragon's Lair by Desire [web]
"Dragon's Lair" - 256b intro by HellMood / DESIRE for the pc 256b competition @Revision 2021 -------------------------------------- " The ancient scrolls say that these will hatch at easter " - runs on freedos,winxp,dosbox - Respect to all sizecoders - powered by: Řrřaymarching - Greeting to everybody ♥ -------------------------------------- When you achieve something outstanding it is not the cheers that you remember it's the critics: "Unfortunately every individual part is really ugly." (hfr) So this time,instead of cramming a lot of effects into 256b,i went for trying to make it look and sound as good as I can. In the JS1K competition 2014, one entry stood out to me - "Dragon Stash" At the time, i was not exploring these techniques. But what is a more fitting motive for Revision.. than the egg? ;) I did a lot of 8bit CPU fixed step ray casting,never touched the FPU for that But Rrrola did =) Recently, his Gyroid blew us all away, and of course i sure as hell dissected that pearl to pieces While SDF raymarching itself isnt that impressive,the code density was surely After understanding, i tried rewriting but couldnt save bytes, without either breaking the code or making it not run anymore on Win XP and FreeDos. On many occasions,my versions were same sized. After short time i decided to not golf anymore or obfuscate the code , but to focus on the content rather than code. Starting off with a core, that is sped up with sine tables i replaced the SDF by a lattice structure with preserving its center. Tuning the distance wasn't easy , since it affected both the cave and the egg. Afterwards , i went on to the coloring.As friend of light colors i decided for the orange/blue split to avoid coder colorish green/pink styles While a brownish cave, with light blue egg looks more natural, a more fantasy version with a blue cave + golden eggs was more convincing to me, and that is what you find in the final version.The small iterationcount represents a real problem . My solution was to hide that behind a combination of position based texture and procedural noise . Mingled with RNG pixel drawing order,iteration borders are barely visible.A next step was camera movement, preventing boring pathes and not touching any object can be quite a challenge !! The final task was to add some ambient sound. Goblins are a very fitting MIDI instrument for creating a mystic atmosphere.Like said before,the main goal here was not size coding, so a very strong bass boosting and vibrato application(thx 2 Kuemmel) were implemented to waste some bytes;) When doing a 256b entry,many bytes can be saved by just ignoring the specific OS version, resulting in lots versions Not today ^^ The submitted 256b binary runs as is on Msdos/Freedos/Windows XP and of course on DosBox. A final touch was applied to the scene with glowing. The eggs and the walls of the cave too are subject 2 sublime lighting changes hopefully supporting mystic atmosphere asm source file is a mess , cleaned up version is in the making . stay tuned! --- G R E E T I N G S --- sensenstahl,homecoded,rrrola,frag,T$ Optimus,Trixter,igor,gentleman,VileR JinX,iONic,psenough,gasman,las,deater Whizart,g0blinish,Rudi,ryg,Orby a.k.a. orbitaldecay,wysiwtf,Kuemmel,p01,Lara Dresdenboy,baze,Tomcat,superrogue Oscar Toledo,Drift,maugli,Harekiet & everybody i forgot right now :P --- C A P T U R E S --- freedos : https://youtu.be/ZPTZzxgm7ao dosbox : https://youtu.be/_vHcZmUM-zI winxp : https://youtu.be/7I9eivW4XfE --- C O N T A C T --- discord : HellMood#0314 [email protected]
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