Dog Sled Saga by DARKSiDERS
. . ......: :................./ \..___../\__..../\ ....: :.._______............/\__... . ___| |_____ \--|______\ \_\ _|/ \ /__\ ___| |__\ _ / \--|______/ \ . . <_ | |____ \ \ |___ /\ \ /| |__/ .__. \ | || / / \ \ __ / |__/ . . / | | / \ | / _/ \_ | \ / / | || _/ | / _/ \ . . / _ : | / _ \\|\ _/ \ // / |___. \ / |/ _ | || _/ .___.|\ _/ \ ___. \ . .// \ |_/ / \\ .\_ \__/ /| | / \| | \ || |__| \| .\_ \_ / \. .\______|\_______/___\\___/\__//__|_______>___|______|:________ /____\\___/______> . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. ....______.___________._ __ *DARKSiDERS*STRiKES*AGAiN* __ _.____________.______... . / \ \ \_______.(/_/\\\__*__*_**____**_*__*__///\_\).________/ / / \ / \______\_<.._.__.__\_\//_.._\\/_/___.__._..>_/______/ \ \ / / _/////////\ /| WiTH |\ /\\\\\\\\\\_ \ \ / \./|____./_/ \\\\\\\\/_// ANOTHER FiNE RELEASE \\\///////// \_\._____\./ | * __*------------´|/\.........................../\|-------------*__ * | __|_ /\_\_\_\__\_\__\_\\/¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨\//_/__/_/__/_/_/_/\_*_|_ /\ /\\/_/ \_\//\ /\ /__\/__\ * Dog.Sled.Saga-DARKSiDERS * /__\/__\ \ /\ /__* *_\ /\ / \/__\//\_\ Product:.................................: Dog Sled Saga /_/\\/__\/ | *\/_/ Developer:..................................: Trichotomy \_\/ * | | * __* Publisher:..................................: Trichotomy *_ * | __|_ /\_\ Genre:.........: Simulation, Management, Rracing , Indie /_/\___|_ /\ /\\/_/ Protection:......................................: Steam \_\//\ /\ /__\/__\ * Number of Players:........................: Singleplayer * /__\/__\ \ /\ /__* Release Date:...............................: 28.09.2016 *_\ /\ / \/__\//\_\ Original Date:..............................: 22.09.2016 /_/\\/__\/ | \/_/ Packet Count:...................................: 17x5MB \_\/ | | :* Supplier:...............................: someonesomewhr *: | __|_ :* Packer....................................: dadwithwings *: __|_ /\ /\ :* *: /\ /\ /__\/__\ :*/\ /\*:/__\/__\ \ /\ _/_:*| \____ ____/ |*:\_ /\ / \/__\\ :*.----------------------------------------------------------.*: /__\/ | \ :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*.: / | __|_ / .--------------------------------------------------------------. \__|_ /\ //__ \/ ___\_____________MORE_DETAiLED_RLS_iNFO___________/___ \/ ___\ /\ /__\/__\ \ /.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*..*.*..*.*.*\ / /__\/__\ \ /\ / |\/--------------------------------------------------------\/| \ /\ / \/__\/ | As a rookie musher, foster a dogsledding team whose skills| \/__\/ | * | will grow if they're treated right. Week by week, get to : * | __|_* | know your dogs' unique traits, and carve your story into | *__|_ /\ /\ | the trails of the Mount St. Something region. | /\ /\ /__\/__\ | | /__\/__\ \ /\ / | | \ /\ / \/__\/ | For even more details about this strange but nice gem on: | \/__\/ | * | --------------------------------------------------------- | * | | * | | * | __|_* |_ _| *__|_ /\ /\ )________________________________________________________( /\ /\ /__\/__\ * _/\_ * /__\/__\ \ /\ /__* iNSTALL / /\ \ iNFO *_ \ /\ / \/__\//\_\ -----------------------/ /\/\ \----------------------- /_/\ \/_ \/ | *\/_/ /_ //\/\\ _\ \_\/ * | | * __* 1. Unpack .__.// //_/\_\\ \\.__. 3. Roll a Joint *__ * | | * __* ___)__/*/__: :__\*\__(___ /_/\*__|_ __|_ /\_\ 2. Check our <____ ......) (......_____> 4. Smoke, Play \_\//\ /\ /\ /\\/_/ cracktro_______)......|/\|.....(_______ And Enjoy! * /__\/__\ /__\/__\ * / ____/ \____ \ *_ \ /\ / \ /\ /__* /_ it was in\ h! /when the _\ /_/\ \/__\/ \/__\//\_\ ____)sometime \ / unholy (____ \_\/ /\ /\ | *\/_/ )late 2015 fall/ O.o \TRiSTA formed( * /__\/__\ | * __*_ _ __ /_ __/\__ z /___ ___\ z __/\__ _\ __ _ _ _* \ /\ / __|__/\_\\\\\\\\//\\__\ o./z Z_____\ /____Z z\.o /__//\\//////// /_/\\/__\/ /\ /\\/_////////\\/_\_/_ _\ /\ \ \\\/// //\ /_ _\_/_\//\\\\\\\\ \_\/_//\__ /__\/__\ *....._* * *_*_*\/*_*/*_^---------^_*\*_*\/*_*_* * *_*......*_/ / / / \ /\ /__*__ /_/////___/\\\____/dArKSiDeRS¨\____///\___\\\\\_\ __ /_/\ / / /\ \/_ \//\_\....\_\\\\\)__) \\ _\___________/2016// (__(/////_/.....\_\// / / / /\ \ \/_//* /* * * *\__\/\\\ \............./ ///\/__/* * * *\ *\ / / / / / \ \ \ \_/* /* * /\* * */_/ \\ \.........../ // \_\* * */\ * *\ *\\_/\/_/ / /\_\/\_//* /*_*_/ \*_*_\ \ \\ \........./ // / /_*_*/ \_*_*\ *\. / / \ \ ./* /*\ t! / \__\ \\_ ......./ _// /__/ \ n! /*\ *\ _\/ \/_ /* /* *\ # / * * \\_\ )_ ..... _( /_// * * \ /* *\ *\/ \/* /__*_/ -.- \__*__*\|/\ /_\.../_\ /\|/*_*__*/~(^_^)~ \_*_*\*: :*|^^^^/___ ___\^^^^^^:^^\ \\.// /^^:^^^^^^/___ ___\^^^|*: :*|^^^^^^^^\ /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ |\ /| /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ /^^^^^^^|*: :*|^tHe"DARK\/SiDERS" ,'gRoUp'\| ^ |/ wAs fORmeD mAin\/Ly dUe^^|*: :*|^tO tHe lAcK Of JAPANESE \/ \/STUFF BeiNg PrE'd oN^^^^^^^|*: ___:*|^^^^^^^PC gAmEs aNd MP3 SeCtiOnS NowAdAyS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|*:___ \ :*.------------------------------------------------------------.*: / \ :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*: :*DARKSiDERS*WANNA*HiRE*: :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.: / / .-------------------------------------------------------------- \ /___ ____\ \ iF you can supply us RETAiL PC GAMES, JPN / /___ ___\ /__\ / ______\PREFERRED! Or if you can code some simple/______\ /__\ /\/ / TOOLS for RiPPiNG, TRAiNERS, ETC! Also lookin for .fi \/\ ____/ \/___ And Asian sites, Also one with great NORDiC! ____/ \____ \ __/\__ / \ __/\__ / \ \.::./ / CONTACT US OF SOME OF ABOVE SUiTS U: \ \.::./ / / /_::_\ \ [email protected] / /_::_\ \ /__ \/ ___\__________________________________________________/___ \/ ___\ \ /.*.*.*.*.*.*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.\ / |\/-------------------* DARKSiDERS*RESPECTS *------------------\/| | __/\__ :---------------------: __/\__ | | \.::./ CRD - VACE - RAiN - WaLMaRT - wAx - MegaSoft \.::./ : | /_::_\ /_::_\ | |_ \/ ALSO RESPECT TO OLDSKOOL AND KEEP TRADiTiONS ALiVE \/ _| )_____________________. : . ___________________( R.i.P ABSTRAKT <3 / ¯\___|___/¯ |* h! <__ OLDSKOOL| ASCii |2 7| · : |0 *| ARTATTACK BY: |1 2| | | |6 0| |/| | . from |*_ 1| | | . ',darksiders> 6|_ 2016_ / L: )_____________( :/
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