
Illusions by Hobbits

            ______    __    __  _______ ________  _   _______
           /  _/ /   / /   / / / / ___//  _/ __ \/ | / / ___/
           / // /   / /   / / / /\__ \ / // / / /  |/ /\__ \ 
         _/ // /___/ /___/ /_/ /___/ // // /_/ / /|  /___/ / 
        /___/_____/_____/\____//____/___/\____/_/ |_//____/

              -  Copyright (c) 1998 by the Hobbits  -

This demo is a FREEWARE and can be distributed free of cost without any


Run this demo at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any damage
arising due to the use of this demo.


These files are required to run the demo:

o CWSDPMI  EXE        20,217 bytes
o ILLUSION DAT       501,753 bytes
o ILLUSION MOD       220,260 bytes
o ILLUSION EXE       566,900 bytes


Minimum:                        Recommended:

o 486 CPU                       o Pentium CPU
o VGA                           o PCI SVGA card
o Floppy Disk drive             o Hard Disk Drive

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|C|o|m|m|a|n|d| |L|i|n|e|
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+

If you want to run the demo without music type "illusion nosound" at
the dos prompt.


Right now there are only two coders in this group.
  | Real Name       |      Handle    |
  | Vivek Rajan     |     Achilles   |
  | Kartik A.K.     |     Ulysses    |
We need some musicians and graphic artists in our group. Interested persons
can contact us.

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|C|o|n|t|a|c|t| |I|n|f|o|
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+

E-mail     : [email protected]

Snail Mail : No.5 Umayal Road,
             Madras - 600 010,

-> Note: Email preferred