Hell vol. 1 by Delusional Insanity
HELL: volume I ============== created by: Primal of Delusional Insanity completion: March 1995 ___________________________________________________________________________ This is my first release ever. Nothing fancy. Give some opinion about it. Write to Primal, [email protected]. Looking forward hearing from you. While run the program, the LEFT curser is to play previous song, DOWN for repeat the current one, and the RIGHT & SPACE BAR for next song. To exit, press ESCAPE. Songs list: 1. Hell Freezing Over approx. 3:00 2. Deep Sea " 2:30 3. Darkside of the Moon " 8:00 4. Forgive Me " 6:00 5. Journey To Eternity " 7:30 6. The Golden Age " 5:00 Enjoy... ..................................... .............:::::::::::::::::::::............... ........:::::::::______:::::::::::.................... ............_ ---` `-----___:::::............... .........../`` _ ```---__::........... ......./``` \` ` ``--_.............. ....../``` / \` ```\................ ....../``` / \ \`` ```\.......... ..../`` /\ \_ |`` ``\............ ....|`` | \ -/:|``` _ _ `\.............. ..|``` |\ \_ |:::\````` \ \ |\ `\................ .|``` | \_ |::::::\``` \\ // `|.............. |`` |\ --|:::::::::-_`` |............ |`` | \_ |::::::::::::---__ /.......... .|`` | ---|::::::::::::\\ \________/|::........... ...|` |\_ \:::::::::::::\\_ \|\\ |/|:::::............. ...\` | ----___\::::::::::::::\_\==\\=/:::::................. .....\` \ \::::::::::::::::::\\::::::::.................. .......\` \--_ ________\_________________\\::::::::.............. ........\ \/| \|\::::.......... .......::\ / | _______ \::\:........ .........\| | | /| |::::::............... .........::| | |____/ | |-__:::::........... .......:::::| | | | | | __--_::::::.......... .......::::| | | | | |- _ \::......... ......::| | |___|___| | --_--\::......... .........| | | \ \....... ......| | _________________| \ _\......... ...| | | / \ \......... .| | | ____________/________________ \..... | | |/| | \.. | | | | _______ | `|.... | | | | | /| | ``|.. | | | | |____/ | | ``|. | |__________| | | | | | `|... | / _________/__| | | | | `|.... |/_/| |___|___| | `|........ / |_ / |...... | / /| ___ / |.... |/_/ | | \ \ |....... | | | \ \ |.... | | |\ \ \|........ | | | \ \ \.... | | | \ \ \......... | | | \ \ \... | | _________| \ \___________\.. .| | | / \ / /. ..| | |______/ \/__________/.. ....| | |::/``` ```/:::...... .......| _| |_/``` ``/::::::....... .....|/| |` ``/:::::::::........... ........./ |_______________| ``/:::::::::......... ......| / ___________ / ___________ `/:::::::.......... ...|/_/| \/ // |::::::::......... ......./ | \ / / |:::::::::::.......... ....| | \ / |:::::::::......... ..| | \/ |::::::::::::......... .| | |::::::::::.............. .| | |:::::::.......... ..:| | |::::::::..... .......:/| | |\ /| |::::.............. .......:::/`| | | \ / | _______|_____________________ .....:::/``| | | \/ | /| | .......:::|```| | | /| | | | _______ | ......::::|``` | | | | | | | | /| | .......::|``` | | | /| | | | |____/ | | .....|``` `| | |/:| | | | | | | | ......|`` | | |::| | | | | | | | .....|` | |___________|::| |_| | |___|___| | ...|`` | / /:::| / / | | .....|`` |/___________/|::::|/__| | _______ | ...|`` |___/|:::::::::| | | /| | ..|``` | |:::::::::| | |____/ | | ...|`` |____/|:::::::::_|_ | | | | | .|`` | |:::::::/| | | | | | | .|` |____-|::::::/ | | | | | | | ...|`` | |:::::| | | | | | | | ..|``` | |:::::| | | |__________| | | | ..|`` |__--|:::::| | |/_____ / | | | ....|`` | |::::| | |__/ | | | ...|` | |::::| | | | | | ...|` \__-|:::| | |. | |__________| ......|` \ \::| | |.. | / / .....\ \ /\:| | |... |/__________/ ...\ \/ \| | |.. ..\ \ /| | |.... ..\ \| | |...... ..\ | | |_____________________ ......\ | | | .........\ | |________________________________| ..............\ | / / ...........\ |/________________________________/ ..........\ `\ \::::............. .........\ ``\\::::....... ...........| ```\:::::............... .........| `\|:::::::......... ......| `||:::.......... .......| `|::......... .....| `|::::::......... .....| `|::::::::.................. ......:|` |::::::::::............. ............:/`` /:::::::::............ ...............::/`` /:::::::::........... ...............::/`` /::::::::::::........ ...........::/```` /::::::::........... ..............:/```` /::::::::::::.............. ............../```` /:::::::::::............. ...........|``` /:::::::::::::::............... ...........|` /:::::::::::............... .......|`` /:::::::::::::::.......... ........|` |.:::::::::::.................. ......|` |....::::::............ ....| |......::........ ...| |.......:.... ......\ |............. ......\ \........ ......\ \......... ............\ \..... ...........\\... ...........\..... ..........\....... ........................ . ......................... . . ..................... . . .............. ............. . . ........... .. . . . .. ............................. . . ...................................... . ................................................... . .. . . ...................................................... . .. -||..........__...... "It's your destiny!!!" . / ||......../-- \\.::::........................ . . . ..| ||...... / o o| |.::::::::::::::::::....... . .| _-||.......|| / /.::::::::::::.......... . ..| |..||...... -\_ \ |\-.::::::::::::::....... . .| |.[< \ .../ \.::::::......... .||.|||\|\ | . \.:::::::.......... . . ...|.\|| | \ | | |.:::....... . .....|||_ | / |.::.......... . . . ..||/..-__\ --- | |.::::....... ..||.......|.__ |.:::::::....... .||.......| /.::::::........... ...||......| /.::::::::::........... . . ..||......| |.:::::::::........... ..||......| |.::::::::::::::...... ...||.....| |.::::::::::::::::.... . .....||.....| |.::::::::::::::....... ------ || --- | | --------- P.r.i.m.a.l --- | | .................................... Presume real in myths and legends ....
[ back to the prod ]