
Jellied Veal by Kewlers [web]

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 ||||||  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[ jellied ]|
 -----|  ------------------------. \||||[ veal ]||
 ||||||  |||||||||||||||||||||||\ \ \|||||||||||||
 |||' |  |  |''||||||||||||||||||\ '--------------
 --|  |  |  |  |--------------. \|||||||||||||||||
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 |||\         /||[ keWlers ]||\ '-----------------
                   jellied veal
     for alternative party 2003, 10.-12.1.2003


  Kewlers spares your valuable time and money
  with an "alternative" demo not larger than
  1 megabyte and not longer than 11 seconds.


  * Curly Brace  : Code
  * Fred Funk    : Music, Graphics
  * Cookie Crumb : Additional Graphics



  * Curly B. : [email protected]
  * Fred F.  : [email protected]

  You can find our other demos & lots lots more
  at Pouët (www.pouet.net). Check em out!

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