
VX2 by Spectrals [web]

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             Demo released at Revision Party - 10/13th April 2020 -

             Music : Alkama
             Art   : Made
             Code  : Anaghir, Marvel, Speedman, Schmuck, Stef

      Options :
        Demo runs natively at 1080p resolution. To launch in 720p on
        lower end computers, launch with -720p in the command line
      Thanks to :
        Waldo for 3dride modelisation.
        Dave_Hoskins for showing stef the way to generate great psychedelic
        Dipswitch for the ASCII art signature.
      Legal stuff : 
        RunningMan.glb animations and mesh from Mixamo.
        Do whatever you please with it.
 .                                                                           .
 .                                                                           .
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