
Ambre Glenztro by Ambre


                in the year of 2003,

                 * * * AMBRE * * *

proudly presents their first intro, or rather glenztro...


Fonts...................Cyborg / Syn[Rj] ^ Deathless

Please take note that this is a "just for fun" prod,
to remind some good old friends the good old days... ;-)
This is MrHoward's first release on PC.

Some fast personnal greetings and respects are sent to:

Barock - Boxow - Coaxcable - DocD - Dr.Skull - Evil -
Fingus - Frost242 - Graffik - Kaneel - Ktulu - Krafton
Laxical - Maktone - Marisa - Monty - Odin - Pan -
Pantaloon - Patrox - Psc80 - Reebok - Reed - Solo - 
Sphinx - Starman - TMB - Tuo - Turtle - Virgill - Voxel
Willbe - Wiss - and all the others we might have 4gotten.

Special Xtra fucken handshakes are flying to these guyz
who brought me so much :

     Stv - Nystep - Mandor - MrYoung - Cyborg - NeHe

   For group greetinxx read the text in the intro...


AMBRE is lurking for some not-so-skilled but liking to
have fun members, especially coders and gfx-designers.

For membership or just for fun/comments/whatever,write to
                  [email protected]

                                              Ambre 2003,
                            Riding through the shadows...