
Square by Pulse [web]

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³        ³
³        ³
³        ³
³        ³
³  square³                      (replica!)

mega rushed compo version with lots of bugs!

the culprits:

statixcode              [email protected]
dunebackingcode         [email protected]
haplogfx                [email protected]
zebgfx                  [email protected]
gandalflogistics        [email protected]
teamdesign              [email protected]

another frantic rush demo
never again I say

dune you god, too bad you didn't get to make your demo but thanks for the
amazing light effect :)
thanks to ziptronix improve tantearne / havenix for the video grabber
thanks to mellow-d for covering over that place where I butchered shad's
music for a few more patterns... (sorry shad! c'etait necessaire!)

statix greets:
raster - thanks for the replacement compiler! you saved my life :)
jeremy williams - the number one pc demo fan - at last I remembered to
 greet you :) been meaning to for ages!
dune - eh :) I know where you live!

Pulse greets every single active demo group anywhere. keep the spirit alive!


pulse members are:
AJT             GFX     France
Antony          GFX     France
Camel           COD     Poland
Falcon          MUS     Poland
Fame            GFX     Poland
Gandalf         ORG     France
Haplo           GFX     France
Ice             COD     France
Jogeir          MUS     Norway
Lucky           GFX     Poland
Lazur           GFX     Poland
LCA             COD     France
Mario           GFX/MUS France
Niko            GFX     France
Pragger         GFX     Finland
Scorpik         MUS     Poland
Shad            MUS     France
Sketch          GFX     Poland
Spy             COD     Poland
Statix          COD     UK
Technomancer    COD     Poland
Unreal          COD/ORG Poland
Visualize       GFX     Finland
Yoghurt         COD     Poland
Zeb             GFX     France

oh la la c'est grand ( <- Statix's attempt to speak french. haha )
(all the coders come in a new fishy flavour)


±| COUNTRY |±³±±±±±±| NAME |±±±±±±³±±±±| NUMBER |±±±±³±±±±±±| SYSOP |±±±±±±
 FRANCE      ³ A.C.E              ³ +33-(0)141779218 ³ Gandalf/PULSE
 BELGIUM     ³ Court Of Justice   ³ +32-3-4482173    ³ The Orme/Azure Sky
 BELGIUM     ³ Genesis            ³ +32-2-2453498    ³ Darkness/Imphobia
 BELGIUM     ³ Velvet Demosite    ³ +32-3-3851594    ³ sdog/The Natives
 BRAZIL      ³ Altconn BBS        ³ +55-11-816-2031  ³ Starf0x
 DENMARK     ³ Power challenge    ³ +45-97-250117    ³ X-Otic/phobic
 FINLAND     ³ CloudCity          ³ +358-0-3403721   ³ Distance/Orange
 GERMANY     ³ Nirvana            ³ +49(0)62454236   ³ Raytrayza
 HUNGARY     ³ Scenet             ³ +36-1-228-5921   ³ Melan/AsteroideA
 ISRAEL      ³ Psycho Beaver BBS  ³ +972-9-8320175   ³ Riff Raff/Sync
 NETHERLANDS ³ AmberDawn          ³ +31-10-2160945   ³ Compile
 NETHERLANDS ³ DeepSide           ³ +31-79-3315482   ³ Silence/BMP-Expose
 NETHERLANDS ³ X-connection       ³ +31-252-221334   ³ Hardey/efc-xnv-dst
 NORWAY      ³ CountZero          ³ +47-55-122962    ³ Yitzhaq/Proxima
 NORWAY      ³ Spiral             ³ +47-63837857     ³ Neurite
 POLAND      ³ Storm              ³ +48-55-122962    ³ REM/KlOoN
 SPAIN       ³ Under The Sun      ³ +34-6-3612340    ³ Nebulus & Parallax
 SWEDEN      ³ The Portal         ³ +46-26-196363    ³ Coyote/PHMA
 SWEDEN      ³ Timedrome          ³ +46-8-59071557   ³ Insider/Candela
 SWITZERLAND ³ Underworld BBS     ³ +41-22-7769331   ³ Synoptic/Devotion
 TURKEY      ³ The Deep Abyss     ³ +90-(0)2163260541³ Spectre/Flare
 YUGOSLAVIA  ³ Extacy BBS         ³ +381-22-53884    ³ Dragon

Internet: ftp.arosnet.se/demo/pulse (down)